
The core of my system is a Spiral Groove SG1.2 turntable. It has a SG Centroid tonearm with a Hana Umami Red cart. Critically, it is completely isolated via a Minus K platform. The special sauce is a distributed bass array (DBA) which is incredible for taming the room and bringing a great low-end to the sound. I pull in various acoustic panels depending on how serious my listening is going to be. I'm a huge fan/believer in no preamp (after many years with one) and transimpedance phono stage. Crazy how much energy that combo produces. Of course, my babies are two XA60.5s from Pass. So good. Finally, Borressen Z1s do everything you want/need for the mids and highs. This system sings with real energy. It’s highly dynamic. Transparent. Delivers wonderful, blissful tone. Images like a mofo. Goes deep. Delivers nothing but: Analog. Dreams.

Components Toggle details

    • Spiral Groove turntable SG1.2
    • Spiral Groove Centroid tonearm
    • Hana Umami Red cartridge
    • Channel D Lino C 3.3 phono preamp
    • EM/IA Remote Autoformer (Silver) volume control
    • Borresen Z1 Cryo Edition loudspeakers
    • Pass Labs XA-60.5 mono block amps
    • Distributed Bass Array (4x subwoofers) James Romeyn / AudioKinesis
    • Dayton Audio SA1000 subwoofer amps
    • Silversmith Audio Fidelium speaker cables
    • Cardas Audio Nautilus power strip
    • DH Labs BL-1 Ag interconnects (for sub amps)
    • DH Labs Prelude 11 AWG subwoofer cable
    • RSX Beyond Power Cords (pre-amp, amps and power strip)
    • Minus K CT-2 isolation platform (under turntable)
    • HRS E1X isolation base for amps
    • AV RoomService Equipment Vibration Protectors (EVPs) 3x under each subwoofer
    • GIK Acoustics Bass Traps and Diffusors (lots of them)
    • RSX Beyond Phono Cable
    • Core Audio Designs Component Rack
    • Silversmith Audio Fidelium interconnects
    Two sets: 1) between Channel D Lino C and EM/IA Remote Autoformer; 2) between EM/IA and Pass XA60.5s

Comments 11

Thank you @mnappi 

I appreciate that you took a look and commented. Spiral Groove was a brand created by Allen Perkins, formerly of SOTA and now with MoFi. It is extremely well built and heavy! But it still required really good isolation to get the most out of it. Anyhow…yes, give the Borresen’s a try. They are hot right now for a reason. Cheers.


Wonderful component selection and listening space. Very intrigued by the Spiral Groove TT - not that familiar with the brand but looks well built. I have recently begun to consider a move to the Borresons with the recent launch of the C1. Love the aesthetic and hardcore engineering focus. Anyway - outstanding system. Congrats.


@tcutter Indeed!
@honeyooi Thank you! I had Canalis Amerigo before and before that Audio Physic speakers.


Great room with such pleasant system , 
Very comfy too, what speaker before Z1 ?


It appears we share a similar approach.


@calvinj  The Borresen's are fantastic. I shudder to think what their higher end stand mounts sound like...


How are the Borrenson speakers


@jond I guess that's right for the most part. The phono stage is run through the EM/IA Autoformer. It's the match between the EM/IA and the amps that is critical to get right as well. When it comes to the phono stage the critical point is between the cartridge impedance and the phono. The lower internal impedance of the cart the better a match to the Channel D (or any transimpedance phono).


Wow fantastic looking system jpan I've only heard Borrensen once some standmounts last CAF, but they sure sounded good. And so your phono stage has enough gain to drive your amps? Is that a quality unique to transimpedance stages?


Thanks for taking the time to post your system. Very nice rig!


Love it. Interesting turntable.


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