
I've admired a friend's Shahinian Hawks for many years. I now own a pair and I'm quite happy. 

I've also been a fan of Dahlquist DQ-10 since the early 80s. I own two pairs. One is a later model (1985) with mirror-imaged drivers and latest crossover. The other is an early model (1975) without mirror-imaging and old crossovers. I'm in the process of rebuilding the older pair -- updating them to the latest design. I dissembled the cabinets and coated the interiors with Cascade VB-1X. I spray painted the baffle boards and grills with Plasti Dip so they are significantly damped. I replaced the capacitors with the latest values and kept the original resistors and inductors. I replaced the original 22 gauge solid aluminum internal wiring with 18 gauge OFC stranded copper. The baffle boards have been mirror imaged. I enjoy these kind of projects. These 50-year old speakers were way ahead of their time. 

As a kid in the 1970s, I was mesmerized by a pair of Snell Type A driven by a Sansui 9090DB at a friend’s house. It inspired me to want a system, but at 16-years old, I couldn’t afford much. The magazines were praising DQ-10 at the time. I lusted after them, but they were out of reach. That was all long ago... Since then, I've spent a significant amount of time with DQ-10, DQ-20i, DQ-30, Alon Model I, Model II, Model V, Alon Circe, Shahinian Obelisk, Shahinian Hawks, Magnepan 3.7i, and Ohm 200. I’m drawn to omni-directional designs. The Shahinian Hawk have everything I want with a spaciousness that brings you to the performance, a bottom end that hits you, and a top end that reveals unbelievable nuances. 


Room Details

Dimensions: 17’ × 13’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

Comments 19

Thank you Halcro! Very nice of you.

Boonetrc, I don't have any bootleg GD recordings. I have Trinity Sessions which is a great album. Lay it Down is one of my faves.


Excellent, I would go ahead and also purchase "The Trinity Sessions" if you don't already have it, by the Cowboy Junkies.

Would you happen to have a line on some GD spring '77 sound boards? I can't get enough of it!


Hi Mingles,
This is probably the best and most informative set-out for a 'Systems Page' that I have seen?
The Links are explicit and intuitive and one can appreciate the enormous effort you have gone to in compiling your page.
Great system(s) and great job.


Boonetrc, thanks for the heads up! I just ordered it.


Hey Mingles,

Love your music selection, we have very similar taste! Jerry Garcia "Almost Acoustic" 1987. Check it out, wonderfully recorded.


Hello Mingles,

I also admire your approach to building a system, DIY is much more fun than plug'n'play. I have the Sonic Euphoria Passive as well, along with DIY speakers. I've been wanting to build the Bottlehead Extended Foreplay III, it's good to know how much you enjoy it.

Enjoy that fine system, and Happy Holidays!


The amount of information about your system is impressive, that you provide links for more information outstanding. Enjoyed reading your take and the reviews of others. I would like to have seem a picture of the entire set up.
You have indeed compiled a system with great care and enjoyment.


Flg2001, I appreciate your comments.

Mavroudakis, I'm glad you found the schematic. You should be aware of the fact that ASL made changes to the circuit without documenting them. My amps are slightly different than the schematic. You probably saw the write up in my system about loose sockets. These caused a few resistors to burn out which, in turn, burned out some tubes. To prevent future problems, I decided to replace all the sockets. I haven't finished... it's tedious work.

Chazzbo, I like the Cartridge Man quite a bit. In my opinion, the Grado Sonata is an under-appreciated cartridge that has one of the best midranges I've heard. I agree with you about Dynavector. The 20X sounds fabulous.


Great care in your system setup description, very informative and usefull, ahhh I like your table as well... Nice system indeed.


Mingles I ought you a very big thank you! I was looking everywhere for ASL AQ-1008 schematics since I need it for repair issues and I found it here in your posts. Big relief! As a matter of fact I looked in the mods you went through with these amps and I am considering following them. Again thank you!


Like it.Has an old school approach.Just wondering with the how you like the Cartridge Man why the Grado (unless it's mono) which I sold and have had a find nice but boring.Shelter is fine but emphasizes mids.Think maybe a Dynavector would be better at price point.But think those Alon's are being nicely fed.


I attended RMAF '09 with my spouse...she purchased opera stuff on vinyl, so...have to please the one with the good ears!


Thanks for your comment Sam. I'm hobbling things together the only way I know how... through trial and error! I have to admit I'm starting to question why I bother with vinyl. It requires so much effort compared to digital and the results are spotty. It's starting to feel like a chore rather than an enjoyable experience.


Hi Mingles,

My...what a well-considered array...great minds think alike! :-) Really appreciate your post and definitely second T_bone's sentiments of 10-5-09.



Oddly enough, the forums don't allow html tags, but the virtual system descriptions do. Give it a try.


Thanks. I had already looked at the source code for the page. I was not sure it was possible in Audiogon because the messageboard says "no html".


Hi T-bone, thanks for visiting. The descriptions and links in my system are basic html. Unfortunately, they aren't a feature at Audiogon, but the tags are easy to learn. Here's a good tutorial that explains how to create bullet lists:


I love the way you have added the links and descriptions so cleanly within the description/links to each piece. Is that html or is that a new feature of Audiogon? Well done in any case. Love the DIY nature of a lot of what you have done.


System edited: New addition: Bottlehead Extended Foreplay III with Sylvania 6SN7. First impressions are extremely positive. There's no mistaking this a warm preamp. Vocals have more weight and presence. Highs have a new sense of air and ambiance. Cymbals seem to be in the room. Bass has a new punch. The only thing I'll nit-pick about is a tranny buzz between songs. It's independent of volume and source. I'll try to track it down and deal with it.


Showing all 19 posts