
DeVore Fidelity | LFD | Well Tempered Labs | Audio Note UK SUT | Ned Clayton SUT | Sound Traditions SUT | JJ Tubes | Ortofon SPU | Aric Audio | Rega | Border Patrol | Pine Tree Audio

Photos updated 05/24. 

I live in a one-room old schoolhouse in a hill town in Western Massachusetts. 

Sort of an unorthodox approach, and I wouldn't call it source-first (everything is important, no? up to and including your room and your ears and your mind). But I would say the amplification part really sets up a lot of fun with hearing the character of sources and especially analog-signal changes. It's a little goofy but I love it, and I dig that the analog-signal chain is big and bold and on top for the eyes. 

Comments and suggestions are welcome. 

Brands I’d love to check out include Linear Tube Audio, First Watt, Shindo, Sugden, Auditorium 23, Audio by Van Alstein, Soundsmith, Koetsu, Miyajima, Tannoy, Omega, Zu, Heretic, Klipsch, Audio Note UK, Jay's Audio and C.E.C.. 

But also I very much could be done for now. 


Room Details

Dimensions: 18’ × 17’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • DeVore Fidelity Gibbon Super 9
    Purchased new from Goodwin's High End in Waltham in 01/21. Completely unreal.
    • Well Tempered Labs Amadeus Junior
    New as of September 2021
    • Rega Apollo-R CD Player
    I like to think of this unit as the 'SPU' of digital transport options.
    • Pine Tree Audio All cables
    Stealth Power cords
    Iso-quad interconnects
    Coax and USB
    • Audio Note (UK) AN-S1
    • Ojas Speaker wire
    The newer collaboration with Jupiter, ie the cotton shielding material. Also just not a fan of cables that look like snakes.
    • Ortofon SPU Classic N
    Without the head shell. Comes with a little adaptor for a standard mount to tonearms.
    • Aric Audio Transcend MM Phonostage
    November 2022. Custom maple cases.
    • Sound Tradition Live! MC-903
    Hashimoto HM3-based SUT from the guy in Michigan. Completely excellent.
    • Border Patrol DAC se-i
    New as of February 2023. Beautiful, rich sound.
    • Ned Clayton CineMag 3440AH
    SUT - 1:9, 1:12, 1:18, 1:36. I like the 1:18 for the 103.
    • Denon DL-103
    The classic. Spherical stylus profile, and with the Denon Aluminum Body 'mod' / cap.
    New to me May 2024.

Comments 24

 Very nice system. I used to have a WT Amadeus and my son has it now. Great table.


That's so funny! I am a born and raised Leominster boy, and still have family there. My folks are buried in Fitchburg (I secretly think of Leominster/Fitchburg as the same town). And then I ended up in Western Mass for over 20 years. We do have similar paths in more than just audio...


@doyle3433 - Aw thanks! Yeah it’s sort of an odd path I’ve chosen - source equipment easily eclipsing amplification in cost - but I continue to be blown away at the sound I’m getting, and really hearing changes in carts, SUTs, and tubes.


Hi David! Sorry no I didn’t see your comment from a few months back! I’m in the Southern Berkshires, a town called Monterey. I grew up in the Fitchburg / Leominster area - folks are still there - and if and when I leave this area, I’m almost certainly going to try Greenfield / Turners Falls. Slow country MA life, but with weirder shows.


I responded to a comment you had made about my system quite a while ago, on my page. But let me post here as well. That is such a warm, welcoming space with the kind of equipment that emphasizes music over machines. Nice job on the layout, and on the priorities!



Hands down you have the most comfortable and inviting room and system I've seen in a while. I really dig the total uncluttered feel. That's got to be an amazing sounding rig!



Nice crib and layout. The listening seat/sofa/couch looks so comfortable I doubt I'd ever want to leave it-well,to change a record,sure,but...


Beautiful! Such a nice vibe. Would love to hear...


Donnedonne. I haven’t tried footers yet. I guess I figure Mr. Devore designed them for those cones, so I’ll stick with the cones. I’ve had more fun dialing them in in the room than anything. Even a few inches can change things. I also just prefer the simplicity of what came with the speakers.


Agree with you on the Devore S9s! In my limited space (small NYC apt...) I don't get much soundstage depth, but I primarily value them for their fleshy tone, texture and overall balance. Their "sheer humanity", as Art Dudley wrote about the original Nines. Haven't experimented with the spikes yet, or with putting rugs beneath them (currently no spikes -- on carpet, atop some 25 cent rubber anti-vibration pads from the hardware store). Have you messed around at all with footers?


Killer system and very well thought out.


Soldersplatter - Thanks! Yeah, I can't hang with tv screens in my living space - the hifi is the event, right? 

Cymbop - Thanks! Yeah simple is good, but also I look forward to playing around with amps and cables and sources going into the Super Nines.


Raw-looking--love it!  And you have it set up w/o a TV looming over everything, one of my pet peeves.  No doubt your system sounds fantastic and I dig the aesthetics.


I love this room and system.  I'll bet it sounds sublime.  Way to keep it simple and good at the same time.


Steveott - Thanks for the comment. These Super Nines are pretty incredible - I highly recommend demoing them if you can. Like everyone says, the soundstaging huge and the imagining is unreal. I can't speak too much about acoustic instrument timbre as I don't play one. The bass response is pretty insane - one of the reasons I chose these over the O/96s was that they sounded more 'contemporary', and this includes some pretty serious bass. Nothing these things don't do well - jazz, classical, folk, experimental, synths, pop are all brilliant. Hope that helps!


How is the bass,timbre of acoustic instruments, soundstage and imaging with the super nines?
Thanks, steveo


Noromance - I took your comments to heart and went out and got some patio stones. It does sound a little tighter! Many thanks.


Welcome to the concrete block rack fan club. Curious why you have what looks like paper under your turntable feet. I'd strongly recommend you sit it on a level sheet of glass or maple. The speakers too would benefit from standing on paving slabs.


Nicflight - I had a Bifrost multibit that was my first DAC and I thought it sounded great.  I wanted to see if I could hear what 'more' sounded like, as in, what could all that "extra" internal stuff do to digital sound?  The Gumby is indeed more - mostly more detail.  I think if you're coming from the Modi maybe try the Bifrost first.  Love Schiit's schit, generally.


I am interested in upgrading to the Gungnir from the modi multibit.  Any thoughts you could share on how you ended up with one.


Nice simple....I like it!


Well put together system on a budget, I'll bet it doesn't sound like a budget system, though. I like the fact your speakers are well out into the room, many speaker systems/rooms work well that way.

Nicely done, enjoy,


Well chosen gear to play your music.


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