
Large room 20' x 30' with a big immersive sound!

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 14’

Components Toggle details

    • LUMIN A-1 Music Server w/ Kenneth Lau PS
    • Don Sachs PRE 2
    NOS Tubes:
    Out put     1952 JAN CHS Sylvania 6SN7GT Bad Boys
    Buffer       Marconi / GE 6SN7 GT Canada
    Rectifier    1950's Mullard GZ34 f31 Fat Base
    • McIntosh MC275 mk VI
    NOS Tubes:
    2000 SED Winged C KT-88's
    1950's Sylvania JHS 12AT7WA's Triple Mica Blackplates
    1950's Mullard 12AX7 mC1 Drivers
    1950's Sylvania 5751 Gold Brand Triple Mica Blackplates Input

    • Klipsch Cornwall IV
    Modded with driver dampening and upgraded crossovers
    • REL G-2's (pair)
    • Symposium Acoustics Svelte Plus Platforms & Rollerblocks 2+
    3" Maple blocks under everything with Symposium Acoustic Platforms and combinations of footers, Still Points, Roller Blocks, SR MIG's
    • TimberNation Rack & stands
    • Synergistic Research PowerCell 12 UEF SE
    Galileo SX Power cord
    • GIK Acoustics Bass Traps & Soffits, Absorption Panels & Q7d diffussers
    • REL HT 1205
    Pair of 12" REL HT1205's for rear

Comments 10

Thanks shadorne!  Wow...favorite tubes.  I have run them all thru the C-2300 including the rarest original Genalex Gold Lion B759's...really pretty with a huge soundstage but my favorites are 1) early Mullard Longplates mC1's & f91's 2) Mullard 10M Master Series.  I also like the Mazda 12AX7 Silver plates and the Sylvania 5751 Triple Mica Black Plates.  Interesting side note and something I can't even begin to explain, I had the Mullards in house for 2 years and tried them several times and they were awful in my rig...bought and installed the SR Grounding system and decided to try them one last time  before I sold them and they were INCREDIBLE!  No idea what impact the grounding did, but it was transformative....blew my mind!  If you get a chance to try it.  Huge impact on every component including the REL's which were already very good....tighter, more impact and more 3D.  Hard to believe.
Happy listening!


Awesome setup. Classic Tube preamp and monster SS power amp - sweet! What are your favourite tubes?


I'm headed to Ikea to check out the Poang this weekend.  Good to know you prefer the cloth to the leather, as I assumed leather was the better option.


Hello pdreher,
chair & ottoman are from Ikea....very comfortable...I recently changed seat cushion to a cloth material rather than leather.  Even more comfortable plus I get a little more absorption.


Where did you get your chair... and is it comfortable for long listening sessions?I'm currently using a large, overstuffed leather chair and ottoman, but it's not good for long listening sessions.


Sorry guys, just saw these posts....most are GIK products, just the side walls are 4' x 2' x 4" ATS absorption panels sitting on GIK 24" x 24" x 6" bass traps.  I have some very powerful mono's and subs in that small space so I needed some serious absorption / diffusion!


@honda those look like GIK Acoustics panels and diffusors.



 nice room. what kind of QRD diffusers/room treatments are you using? who makes them?


Beautiful Setup


Outstanding selection of totl equipment. I imagine it really pressurizes your small listening space.


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