Room Details

Dimensions: 23’ × 12’  Medium
Ceiling: 7’

Components Toggle details

    • Focal Sopra No. 1
    • conrad-johnson, CA200 control amp, Willsenton R8 with stock tubes, not shown CA200 and R8
    Control Amp.
    • JL Audio F110v2-Gloss
    • AudioQuest Type 9 speaker cables, Morrow Audio SP7 speaker cables, Morrow SUB7 subwoofer cables, and Kimber Kable Hero HB interconnect, also a pair of Nordost Super Flatline speaker cables.
    • Isotek EVO3 Aquarius
    Power Conditioner
    • AudioQuest Blizzard Power Cords
    AudioQuest Blizzard Power Cord connecting Amp. to Power Conditioner
    • Solid Steel S3 Equipment Rack
    • Marantz SA-KI Ruby
    sacd player w/dac and USB port for playing flash drives

Comments 6

Dig the lighting!...very nice..Yes SP7's are keepers for me too.


What a cozy space for digging tunes.  You've done a great job, Romans.


I just recently changed from Siltech Paris speaker cables to Morrow audio SP7's, big improvement.


Beautiful system and room. I like all of those disc spinners!


Beautiful room and great system. Very nicely done!

Enjoy, and regards,


This is probably the going to be the last iteration for my stereo system. I purchased my first system in 1974 and after years of trading up and changing components this is the best I've ever owned. I will try to get better pictures added in the future.


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