
Speakers from Craigslist. Amp and pre-amp from A-gon. CD player purchased new.

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    • Onkyo Dx 7555
    single disc
    • Aragon 28k
    class A line stage,no mods,no phono
    • Classe CA-150
    2 ch, was looking for a CA 200 but no luck. Really like this amp.
    • AR AR 9 LS
    Very dated looking with the grills off. Much more laid back than the Thiels they replaced. Cheap drivers and cabinetry but overall very pleasing.

Comments 7

System edited: New cd player,new used Aragon pre-amp. Next up,new (used)amp.


Very nice system. Although it can be difficult to find time for the music with all the demands of a family, work, and home ownership it can be a source of calm and regeneration. Hope you have that opportunity.
Don't know your price range for a cdp, maybe a dac could work for you. Keep your eyes open and be ready to pounce on a good deal. Good luck to you and the family.


ok im an idiot,i recently had a baby and got married,bought a house etc,thats not what makes me an idiot,what does is i stopped experimenting. no time. well i made time,with some more care given to speaker placement,2+ feet instead of 1 foot away from the rear wall,slightly toed in against the advice of thiel ,but due to my room boundaries,i have a odd wall by my right ear,it protrudes out from the otherwise square room. due to this i toed them in to avoid early reflections on one side. ok now its amazing. i still have some hash in the highs that i attribute to the acurus gear. but it has been massively scaled down! records that were too bright to bear are now ok. and records that were nice are now fantastic! what a difference! placement and room correction are everything!


i was thinking about a sonic frontiers sfl-1 pre-amp to replace the acurus. any thoughts?


yes they were well maintained but slightly damaged in shipping. the zip tie on the x-over that holds some coil up broke,no real problem though,new zip tie. my only complaint with these thiels is now i need a better amp and pre-amp. its a harsh combo!

my only complaint with chinese gear is that its chinese! lol.
i like my audio domestic and my cars foreign! : )


I have a Shangling CD player made in China, exactly the same as the Music Hall CD25, for the price it sounds great.
Anything personal with Chinese made components ?


I have the same speakers. Bought them new in '88 for exactly $1,650 / pair when they were introduced. They were all the rage back then, are in perfect condition and still sound wonderful.

You got a heck of a deal for $350 assuming they were well maintained.



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