
This is my little system. I have chosen neutral components through out and I'm pretty satisfied at the moment.

Components Toggle details

    • Cyrus 8vs
    Very nice little amp!
    • Ino Audio piP
    Ino is a small swedish speaker company and the speakers can only be bought directly from the factory. The piP which I have is their standmount but goes as low as 34 hz! These speakers are better than a lot of standmounts in the 2000-4000 USD pricerange...
    • Arcam CD192
    Detailed and neutral cd-player.
    • Grado RS-1
    Very musical and detailed headphones. I love 'em!
    • Supra Sword
    Doesn't get any better for the money...
    • Van Den Hul The First The Ultimate
    Carbon cable...transparent sounding...
    • No name PC Shielded
    With Monster schukos..
    • Quadraspire Q4 Large
    Stylish rack. Mine is oak and silver..
    • Audiomagic Genta-X
    Nice looking stands..

Comments 6


Thank you! The speaker stands are Audiomagic Genta X. For more information check
There are many types of speaker stand sizes to choose from. The Genta X is the "middle-version".
The spike protectors are junior hockey pucks!! =) They cost 1$ each and are actually very effective.


Hi Manbrink, Very nice system indeed. As someone whom owns and loves mini-monitors could you please take a moment to offer me some info. on your speaker stands & the name of the devices [ Spike Protectors ] that said stands are sitting on?. Thanks for sharing your insight with us, Oscar


Thanks Rannagarden!
I will update my system soon and show the changes I've made.

The "diffusor" is called Soundwave and company that makes them is
I haven't made any comparsions and only use one so I can't say how much of a difference it makes. The soundwave is a high frequency absorber but also works as a diffusor.
You can find a review here



I agree with Linaeum66. Looks aesthetially pleasing. And it has a simple look I can only wish for ; )

The road of ´simple and aesthetic´ i narrow and slippery, you know.

I´m curious about the diffusor you have in between your speakers. Does it make a difference?



Thanks! Good to hear that you like it that much!
I have made a lot of changes in my system though. I will update here soon.


One of the most aesthetically pleasing and simple systems I have ever seen. I love the wood look throughout. Never heard of the speakers, I will have to check them out.


Showing all 6 posts