
Listening to college and indie rock, small group jazz and electronica. System is in my living room which is about 12x18.

Components Toggle details

    • Rogue Audio Stereo 90
    Has been upgraded to Stereo 90 (but kept 88 Magnum face to match 66 Magnum pre)
    • Rogue Audio 99 Magnum
    Replaced 66 Magnum
    • Van Den Hul D-102 III
    • Eastern Electric MiniMax CD Player
    Tube output Redbook CD player (tube out to headphone jack as well)
    • Rega Planar-25
    • Dynavector 10x5
    new 10x5
    • Graham Slee Gram Amp 2SE Phono Pre
    • KLH Eighteen
    vintage tuner
    • Finite-Elemente Pagode
    • Straightwire Stage bi-wire
    • Meadowlark Audio Kestrel2's
    Kestrel2's in mahogony

Comments 22

well thank you for your kind words! i have gone ahead with the gram amp 2se, and so far i'm really enjoying it! i'm a bit shocked how much more i'm enjoying the dynavector/vpi/slee combination over the wadia! after talking to graham slee, i've actually now ordered the psu-1 to power the 2se. graham seems to think this will get me very close to the era gold v. i was comparing a couple of albums that i have both the vinyl and the cd of and there is just so much more solidity and presence to the vinyl!!! i'm a total convert.:-)


Hello Blakeaudio... I really like your system: its minimal approach and attention to detail. Unfortunately I can not tell you of the synergy of the gram amp and the minimax pre. My pre is a Rogue, my minimax is their cd player. I can tell you that the Gram Amp 2 is really wonderful. It's very synergistic with my Rega P25 and Dynavector 10x5. It's dynamic and robust... most of all it's really transparent and I don't even really think about it being there. I had heard great changes with my many turns with different turntables and carts while sticking with the Gram Amp. I certainly can recommend it with my tube pre and tube amp.


i was wondering what your thoughts were on the graham slee phono stage? i have a minimax pre too, and am curious about the synergy between the slee adn the mini? cheers.


System edited: Some system changes and a new photo... Upgraded from the Rogue 66 to the 99... HUGE difference: more detail, resolution, texture, better highs (more air), better lows (more musical, defined and pronounced bass)... MUCH more beautiful midrange... so much more realistic. Took my entire system to a new level. Actually got the upgraded pre after getting the new Eastern Electric MiniMax CD player. I LOVE this CD player. Have had it for a few months now I guess. It did the one thing I was looking to do... get my CD's to sound more like my vinyl albums. About the photo... showing more of the room: the left speaker is on the other side of the fireplace. I set back about 8-9 ft from the speakers. I am very happy with the system right now and will hopefully stick with it as is for a while ;-)


Okay so you got a tube CD Player to go with the Rogue tube gear. Your defintely into the tube arena.

However the Classe CD Players and the Arcam CD Players are clearly a cut above other products in their price range.

All CD Players tube or SS are system dependent, just like analog gear. Overall sonic signature is dependent on amp,preamp,speakers,cables, etc. Synergy has the last word on all systems.

But keep in mind that CD Players take a long time to burn in. In the case of the Classe it is at least 200 plus hours and the Arcam will take 100 or more so hours. If you change anything in your system, before the required burn in time, then most likely you will not be able to make a qualified judgement on the CD Player.

But above all else, enjoy the music, that is what this hobby is all about. Much more than the gear.


It's interesting to see a very similar setup like mine.


Thanks VerteWax. I think I am going to try the MiniMax.


Hi Sonnyhill.

I have had a bunch of CD players in and out of my system in the past year... from Sim Audio Moon Eclipse to an Arcam 73. Had a Classe CDP 10 and a Rega Planet. Have also listened to an Arcam FMJ23 and Creek CD53 in my system. Of course the Sim was the best... but the MiniMax is in second place (with my system, in getting what I am after).

Yes, there is a click if you manually move between/among tracks... it is a mechanical click from inside the player... must be a muting switch or something. It does not bother me at all. The sound does not come from the speakers... only from the cd player. You see, comments on line are trying to find something to pick on. I have never read such consistent reviews with such little negative for any other product out there as I have for this piece.

Really the Arcam CD73 and MiniMax are not even close. The MiniMax is a real quality piece in build and sound quality. It has taken about 100hrs for the bass to come in more full, and now that it has the unit sounds better than my Classe CDP-10 (which was $2k new). I really like it and will keep it for a while.

With my system it is very synergistic with the Stereo 90. The Rogue Stereo 90 is also an incredible piece. It sounds incredible... detailed, dynamic, rhythmic, 3-dimensional, etc.

Good luck with your system!


Please post more impressions of the Minimax cd player. I read the 6 Moons review; is the "click" noted in that review upon playing a disc or starting the unit from pause something that could become annoying?

I was almost settled on purchasing a CD 73, but I read about the Minimax and wanted to see if it could be what I was looking for.

Also, is there good synergy between the minimax and the Stereo 90? I am strongly considering purchasing a Stereo 90 in the near future. Thanks.


System edited: Sold the Classe CDP-10, Got an Arcam 73t, initially liked the Arcam, but it became harsh with break-in. Did not fit with sound I am after. Got a new Eastern Electric MiniMax CD player direct from Morningstar Audio. I guess it is still breaking in, but it has sounded great since day one. Bass is now coming in more full and strong, which is good. This player fits the sound I am after: musical, rhythmic, dynamic, fluid, approachable, enjoyable... no fatigue and lots of emotion. I heard more emotion on a Rachael Yamagata CD last night than ever before, the 1st song took on a whole new meaning because of the way the CD player captured the emotion of the music and the singing. I am impressed and will hold onto this CD player for a while. It is really well made and feels very high quality (feels like a $2k cd player for sure.) Will add a photo of updated system shortly.


System edited: Sold my Sim Audio Moon Eclipse and got the Classe CDP-10. The CDP-10 is a quality machine: really well built and audiophile sound... good separation, good delineation, accurate and tight sound field. Slightly warmer and more liquid than the Eclipse, but less bottom end.


thanks for response,Im leaning toward Rouge Audio,from all I have read and heard,sounds like what Im looking for,thanks


Hello Raytheprinter.

My upgraded Rogue Stereo 90 amp does bass really well. After I'd say a 50 hour breakin... the bass really started to sound wonderful... strong, tight, dynamic and detailed. I don't think anyone who likes tubes could go wrong with this amp... I doubt it could be beat by much out there. As far as preamp... well, one place I might move up in is with a better preamp. The 66 magnum is great, but I'm sure there's more resolution to be found out there. I would certainly consider the Rogue 99 Magnum preamp. Otherwise I can't advise, because I have not heard much else with Rogue amps.

Mr. Upstatesudio... I know... I KNOW! I need a record cleaning machine... especially since I grabbed a bunch of records from my Dad's record collection... they're wonderful, but could certainly use a good cleaning. What would you recommend? I own about 300 albums.

Thanks all.


Do you have a record cleaning machine?

Clean records would really ad to your enjoyment of vinyl.


Im assuming from your last post that the Rouge amps do well with bass and electonica?Im thinking of getting a rouge preamp,any input you can give me would be real helpfull,I like heavy and softer music and love the sound of tubes.Would like to find a preamp that does well with both,,thanks


System edited: Some big changes... First, upgraded my interconnects to the Van Den Hul's: much more even sound across the band, all sound now coming out together. Very musical and natural. Then had the Rogue 88 upgraded to the new Stereo 90 (kept 88 Magnum face plate)... Amazing difference: more detail, more dimensional, more dynamic... like a brand new amp at 3-4 times the price! Later, moved from a Rega Planet (original version) to Sim Audio Moon Eclipse. Holy moly! I am hearing so muchmore stuff... plus, added more dimension, detail, reality, space, BASS! Never knew all this music (and emotion) was on my CD's. Had no more room on my rack cause the Sim has a sep power supply, so P25 moved across the room. Added a mint vintage KLH 18 tuner, which never drifts and sounds great. Most importantly, the Kestrel2's are finally broken in and they sound AMAZING! They are so natural and inviting. They really convey the message of the music in a natural and beautiful way that I find to be detailed and dynamic, dimensional and rich, but not exadgerated in any way. Great with ALL kinds of music! Starting to get some realy system synergy here... certainly source-heavy (meaning I have put more $ into my source components relatively speaking) but that leaves me space to grow. I don't think I'll really need to go much better in the CD player and the rest of the gear does not compromise that at all. Thanks for reading!


Hi Espinac... my speaker cables, the Straightwire Stage, seem fine to me. Hard to give a direct answer because I have never compared them to anything else. Heard them in the store with my previous set of speakers, ran them under my floor, so I decided to keep them when I upgraded my speakers. No need to change, they seem to do the job just fine. Sorry, can't offer more than that.


How good are your straightwire stage spkr cables? I just ordered a pair but haven't heard them. I paid $110 for a pair of 12ft (new) , not too bad I guess.


Hi, nice system. I would most highly reccomend you check out the Audio Aero Prima CD player if you are thinking about upgrading the Planet, huge gains will be realized. I upgraded my Planet to the Prima and was thrilled with the results


System edited: Added new Rega P3 in silver with Dynavector 10x5. Now really enjoying vinyl again!


System edited: Sold the Thorens 150 turntable, got a Kenwood KT-6550 tuner. Most importantly, sold the Linn Keilidh's and got new Meadowlark Audio Kestrel 2's. Getting a new turntable soon, as well as looking to update the CD player. With CD's, system sounding a little laid back at the moment... probably the original version Rega Planet.


So, how do you like the Rogue stuff? Are you thinking about a new CDP?


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