
Keeping it simple to focus on what matters - the music.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 20’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Technics SL-235
    I inherited this turntable from my father. He bought it in 1979 and with only having to get it a new belt and new needle, this nearly 40-year-old turntable might as well be brand new! She's in absolutely perfect condition and is beautiful when she's spinning away. :-)
    • Yamaha CR-600
    A beautiful, classic Yamaha receiver. Purchased in 2010 via Craigslist for $40.
    • Unknown Speakers
    My father purchased these speakers in the mid-70s and gifted them to me in 2010. They have no visible branding, so I have no idea what they are but they emit sound, thus accommodating my needs.
    • Vinyl
    The key to any good sound system? Good music, of course!

Comments 5

Very nice


I owned the Yamaha CR 3020 back in 1978. I wish I still had it. Yamaha's top components back in the late 70's were  beautiful with rosewood finishes.


Love the yammy. I grew up with that model in my dads system. Would be great with a range of speakers. We used jbl century l00s.




I think it sounds great - very warm. Admittedly, I don't have too much to compare it to.

Before the Yamaha, I had a mid-70's Pioneer SX-434 receiver. I've liked the Yamaha better. But the Pioneer's sound became progressively worse from the time I bought it (I think the capacitors were going bad), so it's possible that it's sound had already diminished significantly when I first purchased it.


Nice looking vintage CR-600. What is your opinion of it from a sound quality standpoint?


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