
This system is my main floor stereo HTPC/multizone distribution system. Some additional componets include Belkin HDMI switcher, Sony Z-series LCD, Sirius Sat. radio, Directv DVR, Mac Mini running PLEX, Seagate 1,5TB HD, and Sony PS3. Everything is controlled by wireless keyboard or ITouch.

The Rotel Receiver controls 4 zones independently. Three zones are powered with the 6-channel amp. The Klounge is Zone 1, Zone 2 is the office (B&W Nautilus 805), Zone 3 is the living room (Legacy Studios) and Zone 4 is the backyard. The backyard is juiced with customized vintage Klipsch Heresies. I modded some Craiglist Heresies with speaker carpet and handles so I can pull them out for the summertime music parties.

Components Toggle details

    • Rotel RX-1052
    RX-1052 Receiver
    • Rotel RMB-1066
    Rotel RMB-1066 Multichamp
    • Rotel RCD-1072
    CD Player
    • Gallo Acoustics A'Diva TI
    Stainless Steel speakers
    • Gallo Acoustics TR-2
    • Yulong DAH1+
    DAC with coax, USB, + optical.

Comments 1

Showing all comments by mamifero76.

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nice system but although i am not an expert, i am not sure if that is the best place for a subwoofer.
acoustics problems and vibration to your components specially the cd player.
