
This is my first real system that I have managed to put together with my student budget. It consist of components from the early to mid 90's. All of my components were purchased used on Audiogon or Ebay. Living in a smallish apartment, my listening area is restricted to my 15.5'X17' living room. After starting with all solid state, I have moved on to an all tube system. Switching to tubes has really brought out the musicality and tone that was missing with my previous SS gear. My system allow me to relax with the music, especially when I am winding down after a long day of classes. My musical tastes include Jazz, Classical, female vocals, and R&B. Let me know what you think of my setup. I am always looking to upgrade. Questions, comments or suggestions are appreciated.

Components Toggle details

    • Kinergetics KCD-30
    Oldie but Goodie. Trusty Kinergetics CD player used as transport only. Based on the classic Magnavox CDB-650 which uses the CDM2 transport mechanism.
    • Sonic Frontiers UltraJitterBug
    Jitter reduction device.
    • Camelot Technology Dragon Pro2 mkI
    Jitter Box with resolution enhancement. A nice upgrade cleaning up the digital sound of my system.
    • Polyfusion Audio 800
    Sweet sounding DAC with a very smooth, musical sonic signature. Well built with a large outboard power supply.
    • Taddeo Digital Antidote II Active
    This is the active version. Makes spinning CDs much more enjoyable. I cannot imagine listening to digital without mine.
    • Canary Audio CA-601 mkII
    Beautiful tube preamp with a pair of Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8 and a single 6CG7. Smooth presentation with incredible front to back depth.
    • VTL Renaissance 80
    80 watts monoblocks. Nice and smooth sound. Uses 4 X 5881 and 2 X 12AT7 per side.
    • N E A R 50ml
    Transparent with killer sound stage. 3 way system with 1 inch vifa tweeter, 4 inch aluminum midrange, 8 inch aluminum woofer.
    • Marigo Audio Lab Apparition MKI
    Robust and well built digital coax cable with an airy and transparant sound. Used between the Camelot Dragon and Polyfusion 800 DAC.
    • Yamamura M5000
    XLR Digital cable. Smooth, full bodied cable.
    • Creative Cable Concepts Green Hornet
    Well constructed digital Coax cable. Smoothed out some of the digital nasties while increasing the bass response. Used between the Kinergetics and Ultra Jitterbug.
    • Sonoran Signature
    1.0 meter interconnect. Transparant and fast while maintaining musical signature. Used between Polyfusion DAC and Taddeo Digital Antidote.
    • Purist Audio Design Aquesous
    1.5 meters. Used between Taddeo Digital Anitidote and Canary preamp.
    • Tice IC 1A
    Tice's solid core copper IC. It has a warm, musical sound. 1.5M between Pre and Power Amps.
    • Tice 416A Biwire
    Tice solid core copper speaker cables. 8' biwire. Smooth yet detailed sound.
    • Tice Audio Microblock
    2 outlets dedicated power conditioner for my digital front end.
    • PAC Super IDOS
    "Isolated Digital Outlet Strip"
    • BMI Whale Elite MKII
    8' power cable connected to the outboard power supply of the polyfusion DAC.
    • Matisse The ConductoR
    This unique product acts as a passive “sink” or absorber of RF noise on the DAC ground plane, thereby improving the sound primarily by reduction of timing jitter.
    • Michael Green Audiopoints
    Isolation cones for Preamp.
    • Final Labs Daruma 3ii
    Ball bearing isolation devise used with EAD transport.

Comments 11

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System edited: Major System Overhaul: Upgraded speakers from KEF 103/4 to N.E.A.R 50ML Upgraded Amplifiers from PS Audio 250 Delta to VTL Renaissance M80. Various changes in interconnects. Tubes + more resolving speakers = more musical enjoyment.


System edited: Added the Camelot Technology Dragon Pro2 MKI. Using this jitter box along with the Sonic Frontiers Ultra JitterBug has really brought out the details in my CDs. With the resolution enhancement function of this unit, I can "dither up" the signal to 20 bits. With the Dragon installed in my system, the soundstage opened up to a level that wasn't possible before. Stage width and depth are noticeably increased while maintaining accurate image placement. The bass tightened up as well. Overall, instruments and vocals are much more realistic with the additional of the Dragon, especially percussion and trumpets. To me, a worthwhile addition.


System edited: Replaced the Straightwire coax with the Marigo Audio Labs Apparition MK1. This well built cable is being used between the Ultra JitterBug and Polyfusion DAC. I describe the cable as being smooth, airy and dynamic with nice transparency. A very revealing cable indeed.


System edited: Added Sonic Frontiers Ultra JitterBug. Nice little upgrade for my system. Improvements were subtle but noticeable never the less. Brought out a little bit more inner detail and a bit more sound staging. Now I am experimenting with different digital interconnects to get the best possible sound. I am set on one end with the Creative Cable Concepts Green Hornet, but am looking for another coax cable to compliment it. My $25 Straightwire Silverlink is just not cutting it. So the search continues...When will this upgrade craze end?


System edited: Added the Taddeo Digital Antidote Two. This is the active version. According to the manufacture, the Taddeo is aimed at curing some of the problems associated with digital due to phase errors caused by brickwall filters used in all 44.1kHz-sampling-rate DACs. I have no idea what that means, but regardless of how it works, this thing really do work. I couldn't believe the tremendous improvement I heard in my system. Grain and hash are greatly reduced with the Taddeo in the chain. More importantly, the sterility and flatness that plagued my system before are gone now. The mids have a newfound three dimensional quality while everything else just seem more realistic. This is truly a great addition to my system that is allowing me to enjoy CDs once again.


System edited: Upgraded my digital cable from Straightwire Silver Link to Creative Cable Concepts Green Hornet. This cable did wonders to increase the bass response in my system. I never thought that a digital cable can have such an affect on the low end, but it did for me. Not only do the notes go lower now, but I can actually feel the bass on some recordings. It was certainly a pleasant surprise to gain this bass response in addition to the increased smoothness and reduction in glare that I anticipated when I made the switch.


System edited: Upgraded my interconnects from Transparent Audio MusicLink to Sonoran Signature. Ironically, after switching from the MusicLink to the Sonoran resulted in more "transparency" and allowed inner details in CDs that were unheard before to come through. I also noticed that treble extension and treble energy increased without any sacrifice in midrange sweetness. This isn't surprising as some of the lower priced Transparent cables were criticized for slightly rolling off the treble. Overall, adding the Sonoran Signatures improved the speed of my system while lifting another thin veil covering the music. FWIW, I understand that the Signatures are the predecessors to the Oasis Series Interconnects that the company now makes.


System edited: Upgraded my speaker cables from MIT T-4 biwire to Tice Audio 416A bi-wires. These are the cables that I have been looking for for a long time and finally tracked down thanks to another Audiogon member. These solid core copper cables fits in quite nicely in my system which also includes a pair of IC 1A interconnects from Tice. I noticed improved clarity and smoothness in the treble while the bass response tightened. Background noise is reduced as well. Overall, the sound is more liquid and sweeter with the Tice installed. Except for some inconvience in installing the cables due to their bulk and stiffness, the Tice turned out to be a great match for my system.


System edited: Changed my preamp from Musical Design SP-2 to Canary Audio CA-601. I couldn't believe what a dramatic improvement the Canary Audio preamp made to my system. This is a beautiful preamp not only in its sonics but also in its appearance. Even before hooking it up, I was impressed already. In terms of its construction, this thing is built like a tank, with a thick and attractive gold anodized face plate on the outside and a large torridal transformer and point to point wiring on the inside. After hooking this baby up, I popped in a couple of my favorite CDs for a listen. I was really impressed with the improvements I heard even with the initial listen. I noticed a greater sense of clarity while listening to Norah Jones' CD, especially in the upper treble and midrange. Low level detail that were masked before are now more apparent as well. But the greatest improvement I noticed was in soundstage depth from front to back. On DG's CD of Horowitz in Moscow, I felt like I was sitting in the middle of the performance enjoying Horowitz's poetry on the piano. Decay on the Piano strings was reproduced faithfully, while ambient spatial cues are preserved, thus creating this illusion. Overall, the Canary CA-601 was a major step up to my system.


System edited: Replaced my Cardas video/Highspeed digital coax cable with a Straight Wire Silver Link. I noticed a reduction in graininess and a smoother treble, overall a more relaxed presentation. This was $35 well spent thanks to E-Bay. I actually spent less on this cable than the Cardas, which I paid $50 for a few months ago. Its funny how sometimes spending less will yield better results.
