
I started planning the upgrade of my system in 2010, inconjunction with a renovation of our NYC apartment. My main listening room is the living room which is 29'x 20'. Due to space considerations all the equipment is in the living room which drives speakers oin 3 other rooms. The dining room/ kitchen is 20'x 16.5',the bedroom is 14'x 14' and my wife's office is 12'x 11'. The renovations were completed in 2012 when the system was set up by my dealer. The only changes in the system for 2013 have been the Wilson Alexia's from the Sasha in the living room, upgrading to Shunyata Zitron power cords from CX and purchasing the Klaudio record cleaner. I also changed my tonearm to the Spiral Groove Centroid from the Tri-planar. Changes in 2014 include Shunyata Triton power conditioner and Alpha Digital power cords. Both work as claimed.

I recently added a Shunyata Cyclops/Anaconda for my LAMM M1.2s, it did lower the noise floor and improved the imaging and dimensionality of the soundstage.

I just exchanged my Pass Labs X250.5 for the X250.8 amp. Initial impressions are positive ,improved base control meaning tighter and better defined, faster transients, better imaging and dynamics.

Just added a Shunyata Typhon to my Triton for my source components. The improvement is dramatic, a level of haze has been removed and the depth, dimensionality and transparency steps up a level or two.

I just received my Lyra Etna, it only has a few hours on it. Immediately you notice the dramatic increase in resolution, detail and speed compared to the Skala.

I upgraded fromTA Reference to Gen5 Reference XL signal cables, the improvement, brings the music to another level of realism, in added depth, space, speed, power and detail.

I traded in my Spendor ST speakers for the Wilson Sabrina's for my bedroom. The Sabrina's are excellent speakers full range, very good dynamics and life like imaging.

Room Details

Dimensions: 29’ × 19’  X large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Spiral Groove SG 1.2
    After owning a Linn LP12 for 30 years I got hooked on the SG2 after a demo by Allen Perkins at my dealer. Upgraded to the SG 1.2 in 2019
    • Spiral Groove Centroid
    An outstanding tonearm for this TT.
    • Lyra Etna
    Replaced my Lyra Skala
    • VTL TL 7.5 III
    The VTL TL 7.5 III was the perfect preamp in my situation. It has four main outputs, it works well with most other amps. Although it has a wide and deep soundstage and excellent tonality, it is very neutral and allows the characteristics of the amps to come through. Using TA XL Gen5 signal cables and Snake River Signature Hybrid Amp power cable
    • Lamm Industries LP2
    Using Transparent XL Gen5 RCA interconnects to the VTL and  Snake River Signature Amp cord
    • Lamm Industries M1.2
    The M1.2s drive Wilson Alexia's in the living room. I use Transparent XL Gen5 RCA interconnects, speaker cables and Opus G5 power cords
    • Pass Labs X250.8
    The X250.8 drives the Duette's in the dining room. I use Transparent Ultra Gen5 interconnects and in wall speaker cable and premium brick. Snake River Signature Amp Power cable.
    • Krell Evo2250e
    The Krell drives Wilson Sabrinas' in the bedroom using Transparent Ultra Gen5 XLR interconnects and in wall speaker cable. Power cable is Snake River Signature Amp
    • Linn Akurate 2200
    The Akurate drives the B&W ccm818 in ceiling speakers in my wife's office. I use Transparent Super Gen5 RCA interconnects, Transparent in- wall speaker cables and TA XL Gen5 power cable.
    • Wilson Audio Alexia's
    Alexia's are in my main listening room.
    • Wilson Audio Duette's
    Duette's are in the dining room and are driven by the Pass X250.8
    • Wilson Audio Sabrina
    The Sabrina's in bedroom are driven by the Krell Evo 2250e amp.
    • B&W ccm818
    B&W ccm818 in ceiling speakers in my wife's office.
    • Transparent Audio Gen 5 XL signal and Opus and XL power cables
    Signal cables on all primary components. Power cables on 7 components
    • T+A T 1210R
    Using Transparent Ultra Gen 5 RCA interconnects to the VTL and TA XL Gen 5 PC
    • Polk Audio SR-H1000
    Sirius Radio Tuner
    • VPI Typhoon HW-27
    • Klaudio KD-CLN-LP200.
    This is an ultrasonic record cleaner well built and simple to use.
    • Adona Corporation Signature
    The audio rack was custom ordered from Adona Corp. Highly recommended very competitive for the price.
    • Shunyata Venom PS8 and Venom HC power cord
    I use the PS8 for my less important digital source or noisy components.
    • Transparent Audio XLPower Isolator Gen 5
    • Computer Audio Design GC 1 and GC 3
    Use on source Aqua Formula xHD, Antipodes K50, VTL, Lamm LP2, Silent switch and 3 a/c outlets.
    • EdisCreation Linear PSU
    Powers ER and Verizon Mesh router in closet
    • UpTone Audio EtherRegen
    Streams from Fios Mesh Router located in closet to non audio connections. I use the A side of the ER only.
    • Network Accoustics Muon filter
    Muon filter is upstream to Antipodes K50
    • Furutech GTX-D NCF(R)
    I have 4 dedicated outlets 2 quad and 2 duplex. Using SR quad cover plates and Furutech GTX 106D
    • IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCKs
    • EdisCreation Black Diamond DC cables
    Use on main switch and filter
    • EdisCreation Fiber Box II Extreme and Standard version
    Upstream from the EC switches.
    • EdisCreation Silent Switch Extreme and Standard
    Extreme to K50 server and Standard from router
    • Clarus Sextet
    In closet for switches and router Use Clarus Crimson HC and source, and Snake River Signature Amp power cables
    • Antipodes Audio K50
    Uses Sablon Audio Evo AES/EBU cable to Aqua. Power cord is TA Opus G5
    • Clarus Crimson HC and source power cable
    To the wall from the TA power Isolator and Clarus Sextet. Source cords connect to EdisCreation switch and FiberBox to Sextet.
    • Snake River Audio Signature Hybrid Amp Power cable
    For VTL, Lamm LP2, EC Firebird and PSU, Krell and Pass Labs.
    • Sablon Audio AES/EBU DIGITAL CABLE
    K50 to Aqua Dac
    • Aqua Acoustics Formula xHD Dac
    Uses TA XL G5 signal cables and Opus G5 cord.
    • Critical Mass Systems Center Stage 2 and 2m
    • Sablon Audio Ethernet CAT 8
    From wall to switches and server
    • DH Labs Glass Master Toslink
    To Sirius tuner and Sony TV
    • DH Labs Ethernet
    From TV to EdisCreation switch. From router to EC FiberBox to Switch.
    • Sablon Audio AES/EBU XLR
    From K50 to Dac
    • EdisCreation Firebird LPS
    Powers the EdisCreation switch and Firebox on rack
    • Audio Sensibility Statement SE DC power cable
    From router to EC PSU closet

Comments 64

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For years it bothered me that I did not have audiophile a/c receptacles.  Finally, I hired an electrician to install the Furutech. I did my due diligence and decided if I was going to have audiophile receptacles, I wanted ones that are built from scratch for audiophiles, not just an upgraded Hubbel. The Furutech take a long time to burn-in, so it is difficult for me to ascertain the impact on my system, there was nothing significantly discernable immediately after installation.  However, my system sounds better than it ever has but that is due to multiple upgrades and tweaks over the last few years. If I already had audiophile quality a/c receptacles, I would not replace them with the  Furutech or any brand. However, if I had non-audiophile made receptacles, I would buy the Furutech. The electrician commented how solid and well-made they were. I hope this helps.


I listen primarily to streamed music from Tidal and Qobuz and also my liabrary on SSD. I also listen to LPs. The VTL is really a SS preamp with a tube output stage. VTL voice their preamps to sound good with their tubes. JJ Tesla tubes are low noise and cable tubes, however Telefunken are better in providing low noise harmonically articulate sound. This is a tweek to improve performance.
For home theater I am not sure you need a preamp, certainly it is overkill with the 7.5. However if you also listen to 2 channel audio I think it is a great preamp. Will it enhance your HT audio, of course it will.


I just had my VTL upgraded to the latest version, there were quite a number of upgrades since It came out. It is a great preamp very flexible and made to be compatible with most amps. I would say it is the heart of my system. It is a hybrid preamp with 2 12au7 in the gain stage. I upgraded the stock tubes to Telefunken mid 60’s Nos tubes which brings out greater harmonic articulation. I would say the VTL is more solid state sounding then tube sounding. It enhances the character of any amp I use. I never think of upgrading my preamp. You can hit some tweeter noise when you are in front of the speakers if no music is playing. The LAMMs are high gain amps and cause more noise than my Krell or Pass Labs amps. I set the preamp to low gain and it is fine not audible from any normal listening position. Thanks for your comment.


The ER A side feeds the EdisCreation Silent switch and the Nucleus also feeds the EC. The EC connects to the Network Accoustics ENO filter into my Meriden Dac. I did not like the sound of the ER B side into my ENO and used the A side,   which somewhat defeats the purpose of the ER. I am very impressed with the EC switch. It has a built in LPS, better clock and ports than the ER and is a good value for its price. So the ER replaced my Pakedge switch that formerly fed into the ER. The ER is better then the Pakedge.


 I upgraded from the G5 reference to the XL PI. For the signal cables I upgraded from the MM2 Ref to the G5 XL.


I just saw this. I have not been on AGON in a while. I had Sasha 1 and upgraded to Alexia 1 which was a huge upgrade. The LAMMs can drive Alexias’ with no problem.




I did not see your question till now. The Sabrinas' sound great. They play much bigger than the room. Excellent range and dynamics with good imaging. I drive them easily with my Krell Evo 2250e which has 250 watts per channel in a moderate sized but very damped  room. The Sabrinas' are not as efficient as the Alexias' or Duettes', but I believe that 60 watts of class A power should be fine unless your room is huge or very damped. Wilson and Pass Labs are a good match I have always liked that combo. Let me know what you do.



I have not yet heard the Atlas so I cannot compare the two. I am extremely happy with the Etna. I would describe it as being very transparent and resolving of micro details with a tonal balance the sounds live. It presents a very coherent soundstage and balances being musical and analytical very well. The Centroid is a great tonearm and pairs well with Lyra's as you know.
I agree once you compare the TA Gen 5 to the MM 2 there is no going back it takes you system to a next level of realism. I can only imagine how good you system sounds.


System edited: I traded in the Spendor ST speakers for the Wilson Sabrina's for the bedroom. They are excellent speakers, full range, very dynamic and live.


System edited: I just upgraded to the Shunyata Hydra Triton and Cyclops V2. My initial reaction is there is improved base and dynamics.


System edited: I replaced my Shunyata AncondaZ PCs on my Triton and Cyclops with the Sigma HC PCs. They improve on the dynamics, 3D soundstage and imaging.


System edited: I upgraded from Shunyata AnacondaZ to Sigma HC on my LAMM M1.2s. I am still using AnacondaZ to the wall from my Cyclops to the LAMMs. PCs were cooked by my dealer. I did not do an A/B comparison just replaced the old PCs with the new. My initial impressions are there is a modest improvement in dynamics, sound stage depth and fullness of sound especially in bass area. I plan on upgrading to the Sigma HC on my Triton and Cyclops next.


I use the LAMM M1.2's to drive the Alexia and the X250.8 to drive Duettes in another room, so I have not listened to that combination. I can tell you that the X250.8 have excellent base control better than the X250.5 which easily drove my Sasha's.


Thanks. Will post my thoughts after they break-in. TA has exceeded my expectations.


System edited: Just received my TA Gen 5 Reference XL signal cables. Initial impressions are the upgrade is revolutionary. There is a fullness and richness to the sound I have not experienced before, the level of realism is profound. I am hearing elements of the musical compostition the TA reference was not able to resolve. You can hear the subtle interplay of musicians coming in and out of the music. They are not yet even broken in.


System edited: I just ordered the Transparent Gen 5 Reference XL speaker and audio cables from my dealer and I am trading in my Reference MM2 signal cables. TA is fairly busy with orders and it will take 3 to 4 weeks. My dealer had gone up to TA to audition all their new cables. He indicated the new Gen 5 Reference and Reference XL outperform the MM2 Reference XL and Reference MM2, respectively.


My email is [email protected].


Thank you very much. I have been following the evolution of your system for a number years, you have done a thoughtful job upgrading it over the years and it is a fanastic system. I am very envious of your dedicated audio room.
I auditioned a number of preamplifiers,I prefer tubes or hybrid designs but the LAMM preamps do not provide the flexibility and functionality of the VTL, with its programmability, number of inputs and outputs. The 7.5iii has a wide and deep soundstage (because of its separate power supply) The tonality of instruments is vivid, there is great tonal depth and 3 dimensional space in the way instruments are reproduced. Moreover the top end is extended and smooth, the midbass has good presence and bass is tight and controlled. The LAAMs are high gain amps and they do create the slightest bit of tube rush in the tweeter when you are standing near the speakers but from a normal listening position you cannot hear it and they work very well together.
The Etna is very natural and full bodied in its sound. It is very fast and presents a wider and deeper soundstage with much better imaging then the Skala. Upgrading from the Skala to the Etna was similiar to going from an average recorded redbook CD to a well recorded hi-rez download.
I compared the LAMM LP2 to the VTL TP-6.5 with the VTL TL 6.5 and VTL MB-450iii. The LP2 had much better base extension and control and its soundstage depth and width were suprising superior. It has excellent dynamics and decay and is dead quiet. I have not listened to the LP2.1 yet, I am not ready to upgrade, my audio dealer is a block away and will get me a demo when I am ready.


Funny I did not see your response till now. I use the Pass Labs X-250.8 to drive my Duettes. Similar to LAMM the Pass Labs amps work well with Wilsons.


System edited: I just received my Lyra Etna, it only has a few hours on it. Immediately you notice the dramatic increase in resolution, detail and speed compared to the Skala. The micro-dynamics are amazing. The cartridge is still breaking in and has not relaxed yet and does not yet have the musical liquidity of the Skala.


System edited: I just added a Shunyata Typhoon to my Triton for my source components.


The 250.8 has much improved bass control, not deeper but faster with better focus. The noise floor is also lower which provides overall improvement in tonal balance and imaging. The midrange is still liquid and smooth but with better micro-dynamics.


The Spendor STs are very attractive and great for when you may need a small footprint with a quality speaker. They are very neutral, toneally correct speakers that sound right. They are not as dynamic as Wilsons. They do not present a huge soundstage and are room sensitive. They will perform well in a mid-size room. In my specific room which is very difficult as it absorbs sound, they worked well with my Krell Evo 2250e, which is a fairly powerful amp with excellent base control and detail.


System edited: I recently added a Shunyata Cyclops/Anaconda for my LAMM M1.2s, it did lower the noise floor and improved the imaging and dimensionality of the soundstage. I just exchanged my Pass Labs X250.5 for the X250.8 amp. Initial impressions are positive ,improved base control meaning tighter and better defined, faster transients, better imaging and dynamics.


Thanks, I enjoy the audio system greatly, as well as living in NYC. Funny my wife wants too eventually move out of the city to the country and I feel the same as you about leaving. Your system is very thoughtfully put together with high quality components and tweeks I can see why it sounds great.


I am still using the Skala but will trade it in once my dealer gets in the Etna. The ETA is late February or March. I will post my impressions.


System edited: I changed my tonearm to Spiral Groove Centroid and I am waiting to receive the Lyra Etna cartridge from my dealer. This weekend I changed my power conditioner to the Shunyata Triton and also added a Venom PS8 and a few Alpha Digital power cords.


System edited: I just changed my Tri-planar tonearm for the Centroid on my SG2 and I am waiting for my Lyra Etna to replace my Skala phono cartridge.


Photon46, thank you for your kind thoughts. Yes I enjoy the system very much, most nights I cannot wait till I get home to listen.
Your system appears to be well planned and put together thoughtfully, I have read excellent reviews on your Tidal speakers.


System edited: Just added Klaudio ultrasonic record cleaner.


Transparent Performance HDMI, all my signal cables are Transparent Audio in this system. As far as the Meridian Audio Core the 818V2 is an significant improvement with its new power supply. I got the 818 mainly for the Sooloos and ease of use in a self-contained system.


I had Kevin Miller ([email protected]) calibrate my Panasonic plasma, he is one of the best techs out there, he does the flat panel shootout for Value Electronics. The Panasonic plasma are factory set to be low energy and the picture is washed out until calibrated, so you must get it calibrated.

I have a dedicated outlet behind the plasma, there is not much room for an up-market PC,(using a Chief wall mount, one of the better makes out there). My dealer set up the plasma before the audio system, so I just left it with the stock power cord. I plug the DVR and Blu-ray in the Dmitri power conditioner.


I have not heard either the Purist Audio PC or the Audioquest. I will keep the Purist in mind for a future upgrade. I do not use the Shunyata Zitron PC with my Pass Labs X250.5 amp. I thought the PS Audio AC-12 PC sounded more balanced with better imaging on the highs and lows, than the Python, which I thought had better midrange. I do like the Anaconda with my LAMM M1.2s and the Python with my Krell 2250e.


Thanks, I appreciate your comment. This is what happens when your audio dealer is a block away. Seriously, audio has been a passion of mine for over 30 years, but the last 5 years I have been devoting much more attention to it and enjoying it more than I have ever have. It is important to have a spouse that supports one in this hobby.
