
A system on a budget that sounds very good. Main system consists of Bluesound, Schiit, Rotel and Bowers & Wilkins.


Room Details

Dimensions: 26’ × 28’  X large
Ceiling: 11’

Components Toggle details

    • Macintosh iMac
    Computer as transport
    • Sony XDR-F1HD
    FM/AM Digital Tuner
    • Sony UHP-H1
    Universal player
    • Bluesound Node 2i
    Music streamer
    • Schiit Audio Freya S
    SS Pre-amp
    • Rotel RB-1590
    350 watt stereo amp
    • Bowers and Wlikins 683 S2
    6.5" three-way tower
    • B&W (Bowers & Wilkins) ASW608
    8” 200 watt sealed subs x2
    • Audtek 10awg
    speaker cable
    • APC H15
    Power Conditioner
    • Bluesound Node 2
    • Klipsch KG-4 (bedroom/office system)
    • Arcam FMJ A19 (bedroom/office system)
    50 watt integrated

Comments 59

System edited: Pioneer SP-BS22-LR close up


System edited: New pic added of affordable excellence from WireWorld, Pioneer and Sanus.


System edited: The WireWorld suite has been in the system for a few months now and I feel I have a pretty good understanding of their sound. It is clear, full and complete. The build quality and value is outstanding. Perfectly happy and satisfied with them. I have new speakers; Pioneer SP-BS22-LR. I've got about 20 hours on them. For $500 they would be very good speakers. The fact I got them new at Best Buy for $99 makes them incredibly wonderful. Wow, they sound so big! I'll update on those after they have few more hours and I've played with positioning.


The WireWorld cables are settling in nicely. I was very surprised how good they were straight out of the box. After 48 hours they are sounding fantastic.

I started adding WW cables one at a time beginning with the UltraViolet USB cable. I then added a Sratus PC and this week put the Equinox IC and Oasis SC in to finish of the full suite.

These are the quietest cables I have used. The details come through cleanly and the resolution is superb. The tone is just right and the fine timbre makes listening relaxing. Dynamics are wonderful and my system has never sounded so at ease and powerful. They have met and exceeded my expectations.

It's been a long process determining which cables to go with in my system. I had made up my mind to go with one manufacture but, of course, there are so many. I feel fortunate and am very glad I went with WireWorld.


System edited: WireWorld Oasis SC and Equinox IC are in and the WireWorld suite is complete.


System edited: WireWorld Equinox IC and Oasis SC on there way. Here's hoping they sound as outstanding as my WireWorld UtraViolet and Stratus PC.


System edited: Added a WireWorld Stratus power cord. Very good improvement across the board. Wont bore you with the details but it's a nice upgrade for a reasonable cash outlay. I will say that the 14g, shielded Belden I had laying around was a nice improvement as well on the A19.

Well, new dac, amp, and power cord. It's been interesting, frustrating and fun listening to things settle in but more fun than anything. It is coming along nicely. Will be adding new IC and SC in the next week or so. New pics too.


System edited: Having a very good time. I replaced my NAD C325BEE with an Arcam FMJ A19. It has the same output as the NAD (50 watts). Its been in the system 3 days now. I was hoping to get a nice little jump in performance making the move from the NAD. Its really has surpassed all my expectations. The Arcam is checking off all the hifi tricks (sound stage, imaging, detail). It has great tone and timbre. The biggest surprise is the resolution. I shake my head at times but, dang it if it doesn't remind me of the SET amp I had in regards to resolution!. The Arcam rDac/FMJ A19 is outstanding combo and a great value. The build quality exemplary. Pride of ownership has taken a big jump. I wasn't expecting that but it is a nice bonus. Reminds of the Apple products I have. Anybody looking for an int. amp in the $1k range really needs to put this on their list. Cheers, Scott


System edited: New room. New (bad) pic. Changes coming. Sold my REL
to free up cash for a new amp and cabling starting with a power cord from
the wall to speaker cables. Wish me luck. Cheers, Scott


Showing 51 - 59 of 59 posts