
of all my systems in the past few years I have to say to my ears this is the most musical and engaging system by a large margin. I'm not listening to equipment any longer - just music. The all Kaplan wiring was a major step towards the enjoyment factor.

Components Toggle details

    • ExaSound E20 MK II
    32/384 & DSD *4
    • SOLD * PS Audio MK II Perfect Wave DAC w/bridge
    SOLD and replaced with Mytek With the MK2 upgrade an already great DAC took a major step forward in sound quality.
    • AMR(Abbingdon Music Research) AM-77.1
    running the amp in vertical biamp configuration - Dual-Mono Amplifier - using integrated class A tube preamp.
    • Rosso Fiorentino Siena
    leather wrapped full range acoustic suspension speakers. Love them ;)
    • Kaplan Cables GS MKII
    used for the Siena mids & tweets
    • Kaplan Cables GS MKII
    XLR from PWD to amps
    • Kaplan Cables GS MKII Power Cables
    • dedicated circuits 3x 20A
    one outlet for each amp and the PWD
    • Boston Tuning standard w/tungsten ball
    used under Mytek
    • Kaplan Cables HE MKII 3a conditioning cable
    used for Mytek 192 DAC
    • SOLD * Adona Nemesis w/cherry trim
    used for AMR amps
    • Acoustic treatments various
    GIK 6x corner traps - ATS various - GIK QRD7 diffusor used at 1st reflection - 8th Nerve etc..
    • SOLD * Project Audio RM10
    with 10cc carbon arm & Ground It isolation base - Cover It cover.
    • SOLD * Tom Evans Microgroove Plus
    very nice sounding SS phono pre that replaced a Project Tubebox II SE
    • SOLD * Mytek Stereo 192 DSD
    unbelievable performance & expecially at this price! Using it via Firewire(Granite Digital cable) with external ESATA storage(12TB) - server software is JRiver(EXCELLENT SW)
    • Cabledyne Reference RCA Cables
    very nice sounding RCA cables from a new to market company. Used between TT & phone pre and phono pre to amps.
    • SOLD * Sumiko Celebration Pearwood
    • HIFI Tuning Supreme fuse
    used in the Mytek DAC
    • Maestro 20A outlets
    used on the 3 20A lines
    • SOLD * Sumiko Speedbox II SE
    external power supply/speed control for the RM10 TT
    • Core Audio Design V.2 Model A amp stand
    used under Mytek & Tom Evans without the framing

Comments 35

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Agear - I bought a pair of Pass XA100.5 because I needed to feed my obsession and after a year+ with the AMR I wanted to experiment LOL... I can't afford to keep both but I like both equally - whichever pair sells first will go ;(


I bought both amps at the same time so I haven't tried using just one. I've pretty much always had mono amps in the past so I guess I am prone to mono amps ;) With the AMR in mono bi-amp mode most of the power supply power is available to the low frequency channel and gives better channel separation. I have 2 JL Audio 112 subs that I might try to integrate into the system. I miss that sub 25hz pumping - the Rosso do an excellent job with bass but only go down so far.. The only problem is the AMR don't have a sub or pre output. Not sure how I can hook them up... Any ideas?

I'm now thinking of selling my analog rig. I don't find myself using it much and have grown tired of using my VPI 16.5 RCM. I have about 200 albums to clean and just can't seem to find the time to do it, hahah..


Agear, both are excellent. The amps have plenty of power and the speakers use it to full advantage. They never sound over driven and bass is super tight and tuneful. I really like a sealed box for bass.


I would say the AMR has better tonality and dimentionality. I also think it has a bit better resolution. The ASR is a fantastic amp but the AMR is more enjoyable to me.


Hi Agear, the AMR amps only have 2 small tubes per amp for the voltage gain stage and they are supposed to last a very long time and do not need bias adjustment. It seems to be the best of both world's IMO. The Rosso are not Kirk's - I think his were wrapped in brown crocodile leather. Kirk was actually at my house to hear my system last year - it helped him decide to buy the ASR gear.


break in takes forever! I tried to keep a record of how many hours I had burned it in with the ISOTEK burnin track 2. It definitely opened up and became smoother around about 400 hrs - after about 600 it was even better but I don't notice any more changes. I probably have about 800-900 on mine now - I stopped keeping track. The ISOTEK track is supposed to speed up the process by 2-3X.


Thanks Pradeep ;) Yes, the FW sounds much better than USB in my system. I used the Gold X USB cable. FW is much more transparent and open sounding - the USB was a bit muffled in comparison. You might try both and see what you like better.


Hi Doug, I really am enjoying the sound ;) The Rosso sounded much better when I bypassed the jumper from the sub box to the mid/tweeter box by using individual cables for each. I don't think Darren ran them that way at the shows - when in mono biamp mode the AMR uses one channel for bass and the other for the highs - most of the power is available to the bass section - it makes a big difference sonically running things this way.


Hi Pdreher, I use a Win 7 quad core PC that feeds the Mytek via firewire. The PC is in another room so no noise. I use JRiver as the server and JRemote on an IPad to control it all - it works great. The Mytek doesn't have wireless but I doubt it would work with DSD anyway.


Hi Aaron, yes North would be better but with the measures I've already taken it's really not an issue an longer. The solar screens really do the job. I take most of them off from Nov. to about late March..


thanks Aaronknock, I really enjoy the room and only wish the front wall didn't face west. The windows have good tinting so that helps with heat in the summer. I also have solar screens to put on the windows which really cools/darkens in the summer. Yeah, that's a custom sized 2" acoustic panel in the fireplace cutout - works good ;)



Hi Pierre, yes, check both out for sure. It's great that better gear is being produced at lower prices!

How's NJ treating you?


System edited: just a few updates: I sold my PS Audio PWD MKII soon after I got my analog rig thinking I would use the $$ to buy vinyl. Well after a while I missed the convenience of digital so I thought I'd get the well regarded Mytek and have been really surprised at it's sound - especially with DSD! At 1/3 the price of the PWD I have to say the Mytek is a much better sounding DAC in all regards. Soon after I got my analog rig I was mostly listening to vinyl and neglecting digital(PWD) - since I got the Mytek and after 500-600 hrs of burn-in I find myself listening to digital more ;) I think that says something about the Mytek. The analog side still sounds outstanding but digital is now much closer and soooo much easier. The Cabledyne cables have been a surprise - I tried several other brands before the Cabledyne and am sticking with these. They remind me of the Purenote brand that I liked very much years ago. At the price they are asking they are an absolute steal.


thanks for the comments guys. I haven't been here to check since my last update... I wish Agon would notify when someone posts...

Zephyr - I heard them in Atlanta too and also Jacksonville. They have been my favorite speakers to date - they do everything well and have a glorious midrange.

I've done some updates that I'll list below.
