
For some unfathomable reason beyond me, I am unable to edit or upload pics in my existing(circa 2007)system. Hence, I am adding pics/brief description of the recent changes to my vinyl chain including some new pics of my enlarged and refurbished,dedicated basement listening room.Apart from the vinyl set up, the rest of the system is unchanged from 2006.

In the past 8 yrs I have upgraded/changed my TT four times, gone through 5 cartridges.I am almost embarrased by the naivety of my early enthusiasm for vinyl. This prompted the purchase/cartage of a VPI 16.5 from Chicago to New Delhi. The decapitation of my Transfiguration Orpheus L was a wake up call. The system and sound have evolved in a manner that is consistently pleasing.

Jan 2013

After 7 years the upgraditis flu strikes hard. New speakers, Rockport Aviors, a new pre bought on Agon but yet to arrive, the CJ GAT and drooling over the prospects of large SET monos driving the Aviors.

Baby steps in computer audio with a Macair and Mytek DSD. Initial results...this could be good and I am beginning to understand what all the hype is about despite my initial cynicism.

June 2013

All things vinyl. On that plea decided to do all the vinyl fun things I always wanted to. A restored Garrard 401, a 12" arm, a Ortofon SPU and a Miyajima BE mono cart. This required coordination between Hong Kong(Mint LP),Singapore(source of the 309D,SPU,Miyajima cart and a Ortofon 80 SE SUT),Switzerland(MM card for the Nagra phono stage) and two locations in Delhi for the woodwork and Garrard 401.

Jan 2014

The Final Frontier or Sunnyboy goes bananas or My All Out Assault on Being Done For Now.

The Rockport Aviors arrived in Jan 2013, followed by the CJ GAT in April and after a 11 month wait and several hiccups the Wavac HE 833 V2 mono blocs arrived in Dec 2013.

I guess I am at the pinnacle of a 40 year audio journey. I have achieved all that I could dream of

and much more besides. The best part of the journey are the friends and fellow audiophiles across the globe that I have got to know.

Thanks for looking

Room Details

Dimensions: 23’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • TW Acustic AC with Black Knight PSU +3 motors
    Considerably more than half the performance of the Black Knight at less than half the price
    • Durand Talea 2
    A unipivot arm that provides an excellent platform for the best cartridges available today
    • Lyra Atlas
    Top of the line and state of the art
    • Rockport Avior
    3 way speaker with berrilyum tweeter and proprietor carbon based drivers
    • Mytek DAC 192 DAC
    32 Bit handles DSD plus a useful headphone amp
    • REL Acoustics REL GI
    700 Watt sub that goes down to 16hz according to REL
    • Conrad Johnson GAT
    CJ'S current top of the line
    • Garrard 401
    circa 1965 and restored by a friend. All original parts
    • Ortofon 309D
    12" tone arm
    • Wavac HE 833 V2
    DHT SET monobloc 150 wpc with the RCA 833 tube
    • KLAudio RCM
    A superb ulta sonic cleaner
    • Lyra Etna cartridge
    A superb cart that does everything the Atlas does but more muscle and energy
    • Audiomica,Poland Speaker cable,interconnects
    Amazing performance at a sensible price. Way superior to what it replaced
    • Ortofon A95 cartridge in an Ortofon LH 1000 headshell
    An all Ortofon line up : tone arm, cart and headshell
    • Nagra BPS phono
    The battery powered BPS is linked to the Nagra MPS power supply in a all mono set up based on a Garrard 401 and a Lyra Kleos mono cart
    • Lyrita 35wpc GM70 mono blocs
    Superb local made SET mono blocs
    • Miyajima Madake cartridge
    The bamboo cantilever has been mounted on the Garrard 401.

Comments 215

How's the Miyajima with the Ortofon arm sounding? I have been tempted to get that setup on my Raven 2 TT for the mono needs.



I contacted Andy Payor and he was pretty reassuring that the Wavacs will be a good match for the Rockport Aviors
Have a great weekend


Many thanks. I have ordered a spare set of tubes and yes these are expensive. The Wavacs have been regularly exhibited at various audio shows and received positive reviews. Still the minuscule " ownership experience " is disconcerting . Did send a PM to Thuchan who is/was an owner of the more expensive SH model.No response.


I can tell you why (for me) i did not go for them...hard to hear them. I was tossing a coin between Gryphon and Wavac...speakers have good sensitivity and fairly benign load...but could always use the power. So either would have likely been great. Went with Gryphon due to availability to hear. I heard an old DM100 and that helped me form a picture that was consistent with the people i'd spoken with and all the reviews i'd read. If i'd had such an opportunity with Wavac...i might have gone the other way.

I also was not sure about replacing those big tubes, but that is less of a point...i think if you're into big tubes, you just find a way and "price in" this extra long term obligation to re-tube from time to time and source these rarer tubes.


Hi Jason
Finally a Wavac owner !!Would love to connect with you and learn more. Always wonder, if this is such a great amp why are there no owners out there ? As one wag put it, each amp is hand built and they hardly sell, so they have probably forgotten how to make it...!!
On current reckoning, delivery early June...fingers


Hi Sunnyboy, I read you have the WAVAC HE 833 Ver 1.3 on order, I had a pair of these amplifiers for a few days in my audio system and thought they were wonderful sounding. Beautiful to look upon when set up and glowing in a dark room, give them plenty of ventilation around them as they produce a lot of heat output. A SET amplifier for life. Cheers Jason.


Many thanks.
The G 1s seem to sound best at 30hz ( the Aviors go down to 28 hz according to Rockport) with the volume setting at 10 or 11. It's a corner placement almost touching the long wall. The Rockports and the RELs are getting along well.
Thanks for looking


Well done.

Love the last two additions to already great system.

G1's dialed in at what setting?


System edited: The Durand Talea 2 ownership certificate. Tonearms don't get much better than this. Proud owner bias/disclaimer!!


System edited: System edited to add a picture of the REL G1 sub


You are most welcome. That would be a treat. Let me know your preferred beverage -;)


well...I said "one of the best" ;-) and I'd love to come listen...I travel internationally for biz so will let you know next time I am close by...


Hi John
Thanks a ton. I know it's a good speaker but best in world way. I don't believe there is such a thing. Maybe most expensive yes, but definitive best in a hobby as subjective as ours is a bit of a non starter. I would certainly agree that at its price point, the Aviors are among the best...but even that's a difficult statement to make coz I have not heard every speaker in the world nor am I likely to.
I fully agree that it's is an amazingly good speaker that seems to be getting better. I think you make a valid point about the internal speaker wires needing to break in. I doubt if manufactures would attend to such nitty gritty.
If you like the Aviors so much come listen to them in my den -:)


Hi I've been to both the Wilson manufacturing facility and the Rockport facility. They both closely measure and match each speaker/crossover.

Wilson even breaks the drivers in for a period of time before getting installed in each speaker.

Rockport, and Andy Payor himself, measures and adjusts each speaker/crossover personally before he releases for shipment. I suspect Andy has one the most tightly tailored/matched speakers crossovers in the industry.

However, break in is a little different. Like break in in a speaker wire or a capacitor. I also suspect break in in the internal speaker wire is more of a constant than the differences Wilson or Rockprt do to their cross overs in matching the speakers up...

I can honestly say, you have one of THE best speakers in the any price. Congrats again !


I hope you are right. I'd love to hear further improvements. A lot of online stuff with measurements before and after than again after a gap of a few years and the differences were zilch. I suspect high end manufacturers such as WA, Rockport etc measure each speaker before it leaves the factory and every component is optimised or else each pair would sound different. Just my 2 bits and hopefully I will be proven wrong.


I don't know about this....I think break in on speakers is a real thing. It was certainly true for my Wilson Maxx 3s. You have wire, capacitors, and then the suspension on the speaker cones....

I bet you'll get changes here....more subtle after the first few weeks...


On further consideration and a bit of online reading I realise that the holy grail of speaker breakin doesn't really exist and I succumbed to the popular myth that all audio components require burn in. It probably doesn't apply to reasonable quality speakers. I guess the changes I have been describing in the Aviors are more to do with my brain getting used to their sonic signature with a subterranean ongoing comparison between the Quads and the Aviors.
Notwithstanding all this the Aviors sound divine
Happy listening


Many thanks for showing me the light. Recall I had asked you about used WAs and you mentioned the Aviors. Was lucky to demo a pair at Passion Audio in Singapore last October . Really impressed. It's a like a ESL with a full body. What's your take on speaker break in ie minimum hours etc?


They look FANTASTIC. I know they sound even than they look ;-) The Rockport bug is biting me pretty hard right now...


System edited with pics of the Rockport Aviors, Mytek dac etc


Fantastic!! Congrats and i am not own limited experience with Rockport was sensational. And i also feel like cone/box technology has advanced so incredibly far in the last 5 years...that electrostatics no longer have the 'inherent' advantage anymore. Cones, drivers and cabinets have all worked to create extremely inert, super heavy box speakers which dont resonate, which deliver pitch perfect speed and transient snap that was impossible to imagine 10-15 years ago when 'stats were clearly considered ahead in this regard on a dollar for dollar basis. (ie, it took a lot of money to get cone to compete on those elements)

where stats have made some ground to catch up to the strengths of cones (but perhaps not as much as cones have in creeping into stat territory) is a cone's incredible solidity, slam and full-on prescence. In sum, add the new speed, snap and transparency of the latest box/cone speakers(like yours) to the existing slam, body...and i can see where you have your pride of ownership!!! Congrats again. Enjoy! and please continue to post as it breaks in.


Hi Lloyd
Thanks for looking/asking.
I have been somewhat reluctant to post any comments on the Aviors as it
is still a work in progress. I reckon I have around 70 hrs on them and in this
period the break in is perceptible. The initial harshness has all but gone but
I don't have a reference or a yard stick ....I don't know any Avior owners !
I will send a mail to Andy Payor and get his take on break in.
I will try and address your query regarding differences with the Quads. To
be honest I never thought I would part with them or ever be satisfied with a
box speaker. I have had ESLs for close to 8 years, 6 years with the Quads
and 18 months with Martin Logans. There is a holographic ,almost ethereal
magic about the mid range of a ESL that to my mind no box speaker could
Major differences detected :
1. The Quads have a wall to wall and floor to ceiling soundstage . It's not as
if you are in the 1st or 2nd row but in the middle of the orchestra. The
Aviors have a much smaller soundstage barely a few feet above the
enclosure . There is ,however ,much greater depth to the soundstage with
the Rockports, indeed amazingly so. In comparison the Quads were almost
2. The major limitation of the Quads, according to some "knowledge able
pundits "is that they don't play too loud, lack LFE and generally are not
suited for Rock etc. IMHO this is a load of bunkum. Yes, the Quads are
limiting in respect of dynamic contrasts but at very high SPLs. If you
seriously want good bass in a stereo set up, you need to invest in a pair of
qualty subs. I have always had a pair of RELs.
Notwithstanding the above, the Aviors play much ,much louder and deeper
with prodigious bass. Obviously there is no comparison on this score.
3. The single most impressive attribute of the Aviors and it hits you in the
face as it were, is transparency . Well recorded sources sound way
superior to the Quads in terms of delicacy,air,detail with far greater
coherence and mid range body.Resolution is superb.The USP of ESLs is
the midrange where 80% of the music resides. The midrange of the Aviors
on current reckoning is the best I have encountered and is distinctly
superior to the Quads.
These are preliminary observations. You need to discount for owner
bias/pride but IMHO if you are looking for a speaker in the sub $75k range
you owe it yourself to audition the Rockport Aviors. They are that good.
Will post pics soon.
Thanks again for looking.


Hi Sunnyboy,

How do your Aviors compare with your 2905s?


System edited
Added a pair of REL G1 subs to replace the REL 505s that have been relegated to the HT. Awesome subs, easy to dial in with tuneful, musical bass that takes my system to a new high.


Hi Tarjin
Many thanks for your kind words. Am using the long wall and don't really have too many placement options. The room is 23'x13' with a L shaped opening. The great thing about the Quads is that they don't need much breathing distance from the side walls, 6" or so will suffice. It's not the same with the front wall as its a dipole. I have them about 4.5' from the front wall.
Unfortunately much as I hate too I am selling the Quads. It's not a performance issue. Can't think of many speakers which come remotely close especially if you can mate them with a decent pair of subs.
I have responded separately to your thread regd the subs.
If possible try and elevate the Quads. I have a home made sandwich of granite, soft wood and again granite. This does wonders and also makes for easy manoeuvrability while using the supplied spikes.
All the best and thanks for looking


Showing 176 - 200 of 215 posts