
High priority on tone, soundstage and overall balance of sound.

Components Toggle details

    • Tekton Design MOAB
    These speakers use a double tweeter array to produce the midrange. The Be tweeter between the arrays is used as the actual tweeter. Then two big ass woofers are added. Extremely well reviewed and high value speakers!
    • Innuos PULSE
    Network Streamer internal with a RECAP2 power supply by Dr. Sean Jacobs built-in. Uses the innuOS 2.0 and Sense software. Its the best sounding streamer, OS and control software I've every used.
    • Aria Audio Aria Signature MK2
    This is a beautiful hand-built amplifier that puts out100 watts of Class A power with very high current capability. A extremely seductive yet authoritative sound with the Moabs.
    • Border Patrol DAC
    I've recently gone back to the world of Non-oversampling DACs. They simply sound more natural than high-resolution oversampling DACs. This is the USB model with Jupiter caps. It took a couple hundred hours to fully bloom but it was worth the wait.
    • Network Acoustics Muon System
    This is a complete digital cable system (filter, LAN cable, USB cable). This at a higher level than the famed EVO system.
    • Synergistic Research Powercell 12 UEF
    This is a classic power conditioner. It's UEF/EM based and compliments every component plugged in to it!
    • DIY speaker, interconnects and power cables
    DIY speaker, interconnects and power cables. They use multi-strand copper, an open weave, cotton cord in the center and ERS cloth at both ends. It's the formula Danny Richie uses for his cables. They have an open, airy yet very solid sound. The key is to break them in for hundreds of hours and use them as a "full loom" throughout your system.
    • Synergistic Research Black Box

    The Black Box is a Low Frequency Resonator Array that works in conjunction with the Subwoofers, Atmospheres and FEQ X4 to solve bass node issues.  

    • Synergistic Research ART System
    This is Synergistic Research's older acoustic system that's based on resonators. It works very well with their current UEF system and provides excellent results. Complete ART systems are getting hard to find.
    • Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation Podiums
    These decouple and "float" your speakers on a spring-loaded metal base. It opens-up the sound and adds solidity to the bass but doesn't make the sound harsh like most metal speaker bases.
    • Synergistic Research: Atmosphere XL-4, Atmosphere, Mini-Atmosphere, FEQ X4 (2), UEF Dots, UEF Panels, Risers,ECT and GCT
    The UEF Panels, UEF Dots, Black Box, Risers, ECT and GCT are all types of sound resonators. I use an Atmosphere XL-4 (green ATM), Atmosphere (red ATM), FEQ X4 (2) (red ATMs) and Mini-Atmosphere (green ATM) - when used with the Synergistic Research control software they generate various frequencies of Schumann Resonances around the room. Bottom line they work: create a huge/realistic listening experience!
    • Synergistic Research Galileo SX Grounding Block
    The Galileo SX Grounding Block makes the system absolutely silent at idle and creates very black backgrounds for music. I made my own "high definition" grounding cables.
    • Akiko Audio Tuning Stick; Kemp QA Plug (2) and Zero One (2)
    The Akiko Audio, Kemp and Zero One products treat the signal and power in my system keeping the electrons spinning around the electronic signals as uniform as possible or by adding more standard frequency Schumann Resonances. These products are excellent at making your system sound more "natural".
    • Perfect Path Technologies Total Contact, RCA caps, Stop-It duplex plugs, E-Mats & E-Cards
    This company has now closed because the owner has passed away. These products work to achieve a uniform and consistent RF/EMI and electron treatment around my components which greatly helps the sonics.
    • Synergistic Research Tranquility Bases and Tranquility Pod
    I use original MIGs under the Tranquility Bases.
    • Audio Magic Pulsed Electron Alignment
    The PEAs are battery powered. Spintronics is the ability to control or manipulate how electrons spin. Electrons spinning around electronic signals carry audio information. The goal of the PEA devices its to get the electrons spinning as uniformly as possible. It opens up the sound and makes subtle cues in the music even more real.
    • Puritan 156, ADD-Powr Sorcer and ElectraClear EAU-1
    The Puritan is an excellent line conditioner. The ADD-Powr and ElectraClear devices actually add electromagnetics (EM) to the AC line using an active circuit and algorithm. Contrary to popular belief not all EM is bad for sound quality in stereo systems. The proof is in the listening.
    • Timbernation and Bright Star Audio Platforms
    Solid maple platforms stained cherry for electronics and Bright Star platforms for the subs.
    • Puron AC Line Conditioner
    I've added two of these line conditioners into the same outlet that feeds my Puritan 156 line conditioner. They open the sound soundstage, give a more realistic presentation of vocals and reveal a little more texture and impact to the bass. Highly recommended!
    • Stein H2 Harmonizer system
    I have 4 Stein H2s in my system.I went with one in each of corner of the room with a Stein stone at each and a Stein diamond on the ceiling in the center of the room. They add layers and layers of depth with each vocalist/instrument being in their own separate but integrated spaces.
    • Tombo Audio Lotus Harmonic Enhancer
    The bell on the top gives high resonance frequency while the tip on the top of the bell performs as a wave guide streaming high frequency up to the ceiling.
    • Townshend Audio Allegri
    The Allegri is an autoformer based passive preamp. There is absolutely no noise but with with excellent soundstaging and dynamics. 

    • Cayin Audio Mini-CD MK2
    This is an excellent little CD player. I mostly stream but I still have hundreds of CDs.

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Very nice. I just picked up some klipsch speakers and have heard guys liking Yamaha amps with them. Something for me to keep in mind. Safe travels!


Well that’s quite the tease. Please share when you get the time.


Hey Scott, have you left the magnet sheets w/GO in place while introducing the e-cards to the system or did you take them out?


I’m sure moving them around can show differences in sound quality initially and leaving it where you think it sounds best sounds like a plan. Already ordering another set of e-cards? Nice!


Did you get the e-cards? If so, where’d you put them?


Looks like it finally worked. That was weird.

Anyway, look forward to what you think of the TC and e-cards. I bought more TC from a friend who didn’t use all of his and pasted it to my speaker driver connections as well as the crossover connections. I really like what it does and my speakers and system has never sounded better. Might be a while still before I get some e-cards so I’d like to hear what you think about them especially compared to the magnet sheets we’ve been using. 


Trying to post on your page


Absolutely Scott! 

I want to order some e cards or mat too but it might have to wait after some unexpected expenses. I hate it when life gets in the way of my audio hobby...



I ordered another 250ml bottle of the GO ( can’t believe I went thru one bottle already). I keep forgetting to add more of it to the exterior parts of cables and such but will in a few weeks. I’m moving in a week and a half so I’m in the process of breaking everything down and boxing up my equipment. :(


Great to hear Bill! When time and funds allow I’d like to try the e-mat.


I’m wondering if putting any of these mats under my Mac mini would cause any issue? It’s got a solid state drive. Any thoughts?


So last night I put another 15 of the 60 mil magnets in my system dividing them among the various components and also added several more of the small magnets that I put on the inside of the breaker panel door. I stopped counting but I think I have somewhere around 10 magnets under the dac/preamp/amp/power conditioner/ and modem/router. There's probably about 15 or 20 of the small magnets on the breaker panel door.

It sounds amazing and I keep wondering when does it stop? How good can it get or does it just change? My tv picture keep getting better too with additional magnets under the apple tv and the power conditioner that the tv/apple tv is plugged into. I keep thinking I'm eventually going to put one too many and its going to change for the worst but that hasn't happened yet.

Scott, any idea how many magnets you got right now? 


I bought some smaller size mats around 5x7 that have no adhesive side and placed about ten of them inside the door of the breaker panel. The backside has just enough magnetic pull to attach to the door so the main magnet side is facing the breakers. I think this was the last piece to the puzzle as the sound I'm getting now is very balanced not only across the soundstage with each individual instrument but also with the highs and lows. Bass is great and especially the midbass and the highs extend beautifully. Really, really happy with how everything is coming together. So musically enjoying!

Now its just a matter of adding mats to existing stacks to see how far it goes.


Last night I thought I would go ahead and paint the GO on the other side of each mat but sat and listened for a bit first. Everything sounded great but I noticed a little more sibilence than what I remembered before when the mats were stacked with the magnet facing up. So I decided to change the stack under the dac,preamp, and modem/router. This morning there is definitely more clarity and my speakers do much more of the disappearing act. Images float in space much more and there’s more of a drawing me in kinda feel. 

Maybe my system was too warm and the added clarity from stacking vertically versus alternating is better for me? IDK but everything does sound better to me and my tv picture looks a bit better too. Still haven’t painted both sides with the GO...


Ok cool, I'll try and paint the other side this weekend. I'm tempted though to let things sit for another week just to see how things change after settling for a couple of weeks. Did you notice things kept improving week after week? I do notice things change almost daily.

I currently have all the mats underneath my components versus on top. Just looks better but I'm also wondering if a little on bottom and a little on the top might be better to create a bigger field or if it even really matters.


I listened last night for a little while and have noticed the soundstage is bigger and wider and everything is still very musical. I've added another stack of alternating magnets to underneath my dac as well as the power conditioner that feeds my modem/router. Looking forward to how everything settles after another week or two. Just curious if Scott or anybody has painted the GO on both sides of each magnet or just one? So far I've only don the one side. My system sounds as good as it ever has.


It’s been a while I’ve sat down and listened to my system and actually had to move some things around including the magnets but left a few under and around the power conditioner. Everything sounded great but wanted to try the alternating method you guys have tested so I began with stacking about 6 or 7 under the preamp, power conditioner, and modem/router. 

I’m about 2 hours in after placing them in alternating fashion and it’s pretty amazing how everything sounds so real and natural but also so musically and emotionally involving. I still shake my head that this works so well. My tv picture is as remarkable as ever too since the modem/router supplies my Apple TV for Netflix/Hulu. I’ll see how things improve over the next week or so with this configuration. 


Simple enough, that’s awesome. I told a friend about this and might order some magnets and oxide to try. He asked about cutting the magnet in smaller sections to fit in certain places. I haven’t tried this yet but it’s a good idea for anyone wanting to put them on top of components to avoid tubes and vent holes. Like you mentioned before it can go underneath as well which I have done on my dac and amp but also have some on top but there only half on because of tubes and holes. 

My mind keeps wondering what is better, a few 60 mil sheets stacked with some oxide painted or a bunch of 20 mil sheets which would allow more oxide to be applied? And then what about painting multiple coats on the same magnet? Definitely a lot of experimenting can be had. Thanks Scott for taking the initiative to give this magnet/graphene thing a try!


 Very cool, thanks Scott. I just recently got several Furutech NCF connectors so I’m not sure I’d like to paint them with the graphene oxide but maybe the KLE connectors on my ic’s would be a good experiment. Has there been a place where you’ve applied it and didn’t like the effect? I’m wondering if rubbing alcohol is all that is needed to wipe it off if it doesn’t improve a particular component or connector.


The graphene oxide arrived after my last post yesterday and curiosity got the best of me so I applied right away to the stacks I had in place. Within 30 min or so I noticed a positive change and after this morning think the oxide is definitely enhancing what the magnets were already doing. Seems more natural and extended. Really neat. Looking forward to what another week of the new magnets and now graphene oxide will do to everything. Picture quality also got enhanced which I was concerned at first when applying but things are looking incredible. Still can’t get over this.

Have tried appliying the graphene oxide to other things yet? Like maybe the exterior portions of cable connectors and such? It’s making me wonder where else it can work.


I received another set of 60 mil magnets today and have placed them on top of the mini stacks I started.  So the bottom has one 20 mil and now theres two 60 mil on top of that. I’ve placed these on tops of my speakers, dac, preamp/amp, and next to the power conditioner where everything for the stereo is plugged. 

Also have three stacks under my tv and next to the Apple TV. One on top of the conditioner that has the tv, modem, and router plugged into as well as a stack one each side of the modem/router which has my computer in the next room for music plugged into. Everything this past week with just the one 20 mil and one 60 mil was looking and sounding great but after about an hour with the second 60 mil things are just ridiculous for both the picture on my tv and the sound of the stereo. I’m almost scared to put any Graphene oxide on anything as I’m afraid to mess with a good thing.

I’ve spent about $85 so far on magnets that I’ve used and have another $35 of magnets coming with $57 of graphene oxide. I just can’t believe what a stack of cheap magnets can do. This is really amazing. The level of realism and clarity on vocals and instruments is crazy and I’m sure it’s only going to get better with more time of the additional 60 mil magnets I just placed. 

Were you concerned at all that the graphene oxide was going to be too much of a good thing for the magnets? 


I've done quite a bit the last couple of years to get a better picture on my 2013 Panny Plasma. First, its sitting on a Star Sound Tech Apprentice platform. The power cable is a Furutech DPS-4 with NCF connectors with TC applied to the wires as well as the male connector blades.

I have Mad Scientist black discus everywhere from the modem/router to the hdmi cabling to the power cables. Sometimes there's a negative effect like when I had used Sonic Tonic and had too many of them and the picture got a little washed out. The black discus proved to be better so I got rid of the Sonic Tonic. 

The magnet sheets added a nice clarity while retaining a natural look so I'm pretty happy with them as is so I'll see what the graphene oxide does.


Can you share a link for the roll of magnet that you got as well? Does it have the white film on one side like so many seem to have?


Yeah, when I read a member's post about the TC being applied to the exterior casing of mc-0.5's and having a positive effect I wondered too what is happening with this stuff. Thanks for the tips!


I just ordered some of the graphene oxide to try. I initally got 20 magnet sheets at 20 mil and thought they did make a nice improvement on both the stereo as well as my tv. I then got some 60 mil sheets and layed them on top of the 20 mil and felt things improved more so I'm interested in seeing how the graphene oxide changes things.

Scott, what are you using as an applicator? Does the oxide dry quickly or are you applying it wet and then start stacking immediately?
