
Well things change...out with the old and in with the new. New room is up and sounding amazing. Added some new gear. Audio Research is an amazing company that been around longer then I have been alive. Really proud to own this equipment.

Components Toggle details

    • Magico S5
    Magico S5 replaces my mini2. Sounding great as magicos always do. Very excited about these. Full range with emotion and low end.
    • AMG V12
    Wow. My new ref source. The reviews are positive but there is nothing like having it in your own system to blow ya away. The real deal. 5 stars.
    • Airtight Pc1 Supreme
    Best of the best in my system with my tt and arm. Real happy. So sweat and warm and detailed. The real deal.
    • Audio Research Ref 2 se
    Wow. Really this phono pre is mind blowing. Best I've ever had or heard. Big smiles. I'm lost in the music. Highest recommend.
    • Audio Research Ref 5
    Tubed pre. Will be sending back to audio research soon to have the special edition mods dune. As soon as they catch up with orders.
    • Audio Research Ref 150
    Type amp stereo.
    • Audioquest Wild speaker Cabels
    Very open not cold I'm dune with buying speaker Cabels. I've spent so much money over the years. Real happy.
    • Audioquest Wel Signature power Cabel x three.
    What a wonderful power Cabel. 3 one for amp preamp and one for phono. Might be the best ever made.
    • Audioquest Wel Signature interconnect 2 pairs.
    Three meter xlr pre amp to amp and another pair four meter phono to pre. So very outstanding. So very expensive.
    • Audioquest Wel Signature phono
    This is it the last phono Cabel I need or will ever want. Is expensive but worth every penny. 2 meters long with DBS.
    • Audioquest USB Diamond
    Ive came to really like audioquest. This is the best USB Cabel I've owned and will be my ref for along time to come. Costly tho.
    • Audioquest Diamond FireWire 800
    Hard drive to Mac mini
    • Tara Labs The One power cabel
    Power cables 2
    • Acoustic Zen Absolute reference
    Acoustic Zen Power cord
    • Synergistic Research Tesla PowerCell
    Ive used the best, and the Tesla out shines them all.
    • Synergistic Research Migs
    Three sets. For Pre, dac and transport.
    • Synergistic research base synergistic research tranquility
    A base for my digital front end. I have my Mac mini and hard drive on top. Worth every penny.
    • Synergistic research Power strip QLS
    For all my wall warts.
    • Synergistic Reasearch Hologram A x two.
    Set of two for ayre mxr amps. Now being used on power supply for tt
    • Synergistic Research Element CTS Analog
    20 amp for audio research ref 5
    • HRS SXR
    Two separate two tier racks. With out a doubt the very best rack ever made.
    • HRS Stand for turn table
    I use this stand under my record player . Very solid and heavy.
    • HRS Recrod clamp
    Solid record clamp.
    • REL Acoustics G1
    This is a big sub.
    • Argentum acoustic XLR Mythos
    Xlr 2m. I'm a big fan of this Cabel co. Very warm with just the right amount of detail. Not as much extension as the Tara labs but will do the trick till I get back in Tara labs top Cabels. And for the money they are hands down the best. I swear by these low cost alternative.
    • Argentum acoustic RCA Mythos
    2m pair RCA great Cabel for the cost of admission. Bought thesse cabels to get me through till ihave the dough for tara labs top cabels Saving for
    • Mac Mini
    Very small. I tunes only. Will send to Mach2 soon for upgrade.
    • Acoustic revive Rtp 2
    Hard drive and Mac mini are used with this.
    • Amarra Current
    Ive known about sonic studio for years as most of the records that came through my studios were mastered with their mastering rig. Amarra just sounds more natural then iTunes. Great company with great people running it. A must have.
    • Cardis caps Xlr male and female and RCA caps
    Xlr male and female and RCA caps for audio research ref 5.
    • Nordic Purple flare
    Power cabel for Mac mini. C7 connector. I recommend anyone who uses a Mac mini to make this upgrade.
    Set of 10 ESD CABLE ISOLATORS. These guys have the best service in the industry. Quick delivery and great follow up. I highly recommend them. And to top it off their product looks super cool and does what it says.
    • Ayre Qb9 dsd
    As always I have used ayre gear. This new dac is everything the review say and more. Burn it in and enjoy. I've owned the top DCS gear and I'm sure I will go back and buy their top dac again but for now I put my money in to a top analog rig and the ayre make me smile. Very musical dead black back ground music flys from this dac. Five stars.
    • Vicoustic Diffusers
    I'm very impressed with this new company to US. Great quality great price great people. Highly recommend.

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Hi about 2 years ago I went from the Finite rack to the Grand Prix Audio Silverstone F1...they did EXACTLY what you are describing with your HRS. I know exactly how your feeling now and what you're hearing.

