
It's very easy to spend hours listening to jazz , with Franco serblins ktema , Wyetech labs Ruby 211s , Mbl preamp , zestos phono stage , nordost valhallla power cords , transparent ref mm2 interconnects , Esound platinum ref , heavily battery driven cdp,Panasonic sp10 , sme tonearm with charisma ref cartridge , soundstage and overall detail to die for, recent addition is oppo headphone amp  using dac for streaming

Room Details

Dimensions: 25’ × 12’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Franco serblins Ktema
    Beautiful finish , listen forever sound

Comments 6

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Oops, haha....I just realized I replied to my own question.....sorry.


Sorry for the late reply. I may need to figure out how to get alerts when there is a new message. As stated in bio, the Ktema journey started in Italy. At this time, I had Simaudio gear. Found this to be not a good match. It was only when I moved to Japan and purchased Accuphase that I found what these wonderful speakers can do. This system continues today, but as with you I always wondered what the Ktemas would sound like with tubes. Since Franco himself used tubes in his personal system I can only imagine they sounded magical. So, as recent as last week I finally made the decision to purchase another Italian made audio amp, the Synthesis A40. I will contest, the Ktemas love tubes. I cannot stop listening. I purchased an Audio Note cable and warm glow is real. 

Now, my quandary is I may have sold off my Transparent Reference cable prematurely for the AN. The AN sounds great with the Synthesis, but not so good with the Accuphase. I not that interested in paying an arm and a leg for another Transparent cable despite like you I run Ultra IC through out my system. Internally Yter is used, but I have read silver on silver may be to bright for the Ktemas. Thoughts?


Nice to see another with Ktemas. I have yet to hear mine with tubes. Have you used any other amps other than tubes? How does it compare?
