
High priority on tone, soundstage and overall balance of sound.

Components Toggle details

    • Tekton Design MOAB
    These speakers use a double tweeter array to produce the midrange. The Be tweeter between the arrays is used as the actual tweeter. Then two big ass woofers are added. Extremely well reviewed and high value speakers!
    • Innuos PULSE
    Network Streamer internal with a RECAP2 power supply by Dr. Sean Jacobs built-in. Uses the innuOS 2.0 and Sense software. Its the best sounding streamer, OS and control software I've every used.
    • Aria Audio Aria Signature MK2
    This is a beautiful hand-built amplifier that puts out100 watts of Class A power with very high current capability. A extremely seductive yet authoritative sound with the Moabs.
    • Border Patrol DAC
    I've recently gone back to the world of Non-oversampling DACs. They simply sound more natural than high-resolution oversampling DACs. This is the USB model with Jupiter caps. It took a couple hundred hours to fully bloom but it was worth the wait.
    • Network Acoustics Muon System
    This is a complete digital cable system (filter, LAN cable, USB cable). This at a higher level than the famed EVO system.
    • Synergistic Research Powercell 12 UEF
    This is a classic power conditioner. It's UEF/EM based and compliments every component plugged in to it!
    • DIY speaker, interconnects and power cables
    DIY speaker, interconnects and power cables. They use multi-strand copper, an open weave, cotton cord in the center and ERS cloth at both ends. It's the formula Danny Richie uses for his cables. They have an open, airy yet very solid sound. The key is to break them in for hundreds of hours and use them as a "full loom" throughout your system.
    • Synergistic Research Black Box

    The Black Box is a Low Frequency Resonator Array that works in conjunction with the Subwoofers, Atmospheres and FEQ X4 to solve bass node issues.  

    • Synergistic Research ART System
    This is Synergistic Research's older acoustic system that's based on resonators. It works very well with their current UEF system and provides excellent results. Complete ART systems are getting hard to find.
    • Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation Podiums
    These decouple and "float" your speakers on a spring-loaded metal base. It opens-up the sound and adds solidity to the bass but doesn't make the sound harsh like most metal speaker bases.
    • Synergistic Research: Atmosphere XL-4, Atmosphere, Mini-Atmosphere, FEQ X4 (2), UEF Dots, UEF Panels, Risers,ECT and GCT
    The UEF Panels, UEF Dots, Black Box, Risers, ECT and GCT are all types of sound resonators. I use an Atmosphere XL-4 (green ATM), Atmosphere (red ATM), FEQ X4 (2) (red ATMs) and Mini-Atmosphere (green ATM) - when used with the Synergistic Research control software they generate various frequencies of Schumann Resonances around the room. Bottom line they work: create a huge/realistic listening experience!
    • Synergistic Research Galileo SX Grounding Block
    The Galileo SX Grounding Block makes the system absolutely silent at idle and creates very black backgrounds for music. I made my own "high definition" grounding cables.
    • Akiko Audio Tuning Stick; Kemp QA Plug (2) and Zero One (2)
    The Akiko Audio, Kemp and Zero One products treat the signal and power in my system keeping the electrons spinning around the electronic signals as uniform as possible or by adding more standard frequency Schumann Resonances. These products are excellent at making your system sound more "natural".
    • Perfect Path Technologies Total Contact, RCA caps, Stop-It duplex plugs, E-Mats & E-Cards
    This company has now closed because the owner has passed away. These products work to achieve a uniform and consistent RF/EMI and electron treatment around my components which greatly helps the sonics.
    • Synergistic Research Tranquility Bases and Tranquility Pod
    I use original MIGs under the Tranquility Bases.
    • Audio Magic Pulsed Electron Alignment
    The PEAs are battery powered. Spintronics is the ability to control or manipulate how electrons spin. Electrons spinning around electronic signals carry audio information. The goal of the PEA devices its to get the electrons spinning as uniformly as possible. It opens up the sound and makes subtle cues in the music even more real.
    • Puritan 156, ADD-Powr Sorcer and ElectraClear EAU-1
    The Puritan is an excellent line conditioner. The ADD-Powr and ElectraClear devices actually add electromagnetics (EM) to the AC line using an active circuit and algorithm. Contrary to popular belief not all EM is bad for sound quality in stereo systems. The proof is in the listening.
    • Timbernation and Bright Star Audio Platforms
    Solid maple platforms stained cherry for electronics and Bright Star platforms for the subs.
    • Puron AC Line Conditioner
    I've added two of these line conditioners into the same outlet that feeds my Puritan 156 line conditioner. They open the sound soundstage, give a more realistic presentation of vocals and reveal a little more texture and impact to the bass. Highly recommended!
    • Stein H2 Harmonizer system
    I have 4 Stein H2s in my system.I went with one in each of corner of the room with a Stein stone at each and a Stein diamond on the ceiling in the center of the room. They add layers and layers of depth with each vocalist/instrument being in their own separate but integrated spaces.
    • Tombo Audio Lotus Harmonic Enhancer
    The bell on the top gives high resonance frequency while the tip on the top of the bell performs as a wave guide streaming high frequency up to the ceiling.
    • Townshend Audio Allegri
    The Allegri is an autoformer based passive preamp. There is absolutely no noise but with with excellent soundstaging and dynamics. 

    • Cayin Audio Mini-CD MK2
    This is an excellent little CD player. I mostly stream but I still have hundreds of CDs.

Comments 566

Ok cool, I'll try and paint the other side this weekend. I'm tempted though to let things sit for another week just to see how things change after settling for a couple of weeks. Did you notice things kept improving week after week? I do notice things change almost daily.

I currently have all the mats underneath my components versus on top. Just looks better but I'm also wondering if a little on bottom and a little on the top might be better to create a bigger field or if it even really matters.


I started with painting just one side because I thought it would be too messy to do both sides. Later I started painting both sides. At some point, I should probably go through and make sure everything is painted on both sides. I don't want to touch them now though. I have a local audiophile friend I gave some painted mats to. He put them on his DAC. Got an email last night he is shocked by the improvement and wants some more. Ha,ha.


I listened last night for a little while and have noticed the soundstage is bigger and wider and everything is still very musical. I've added another stack of alternating magnets to underneath my dac as well as the power conditioner that feeds my modem/router. Looking forward to how everything settles after another week or two. Just curious if Scott or anybody has painted the GO on both sides of each magnet or just one? So far I've only don the one side. My system sounds as good as it ever has.


Hi Tom - Glad you are back! Your feedback got me thinking about my modem/router - I may start messing with that again. I don't think I'm going to move the mats in my stereo for awhile. I've already gotten great results with their current placement/configuration and want to see what happens when they've been there even longer. Scott


It’s been a while I’ve sat down and listened to my system and actually had to move some things around including the magnets but left a few under and around the power conditioner. Everything sounded great but wanted to try the alternating method you guys have tested so I began with stacking about 6 or 7 under the preamp, power conditioner, and modem/router. 

I’m about 2 hours in after placing them in alternating fashion and it’s pretty amazing how everything sounds so real and natural but also so musically and emotionally involving. I still shake my head that this works so well. My tv picture is as remarkable as ever too since the modem/router supplies my Apple TV for Netflix/Hulu. I’ll see how things improve over the next week or so with this configuration. 



I let my current configuration of graphene oxide painted on alternate facing magnetic mats sit undisturbed for about 2 weeks. I listened for just over 2 hours last night. I didn't think my system could go farther in this regard but each musical image is rounder, smoother yet more dynamic. The soundstage is not more precise but is wider and deeper. I hear vocalists moving slightly closer to mics and then hear then move back. I hear slight tones coming-off the body of guitars and pianos. Its all kind of spooky but real.  

I can't hardly believe it so I keep asking myself: what is going on? All I can conclude is the magnetic mats when stacked and painted with graphene oxide create a uniform and consistent magnetic field through the component. This magnetic field stabilizes over time and its natural "spinning effect" stabilizes not only the signal flow but the circuits themselves. Subjectively, I guess it really doesn't matter why the sound is improving - all that matters is: it is.  


Here is some interesting reading regarding what may be going on with the magnets and graphene. Just thought I'd share:


@audiosens -  The DIY grounding box has binding posts that are attached to copper strips that run through tourmaline crystals.  The grounding wires run to your component. I'd read about this technique and finally gave it a try.  I'm sure there are better solutions but it did seem to lower the noise floor in my system. 

I've now removed the iQSEs. I was using one inside my music server and one on my amp. 



You made your own grounding box, There are stones inside the box, what are they ?  And where did you install your iQSE ?  Thank you


Tom - how is your system sounding? Have you made any changes recently to the placement or configuration of the mats? Scott


I did some extended listening today. The sound really is something special. I'm going to leave the magnetic stacks in the alternating configuration (as discussed below) for the next couple of weeks and see what happens.

Bill - I'm liking the idea of "Lyngdorf tube art" Also, pretty sure I'm smelling some Acoustic BBQ........ha,ha


I have an idea. I may build one of your tube light art pieces as a platform to fit over my Lyngdorf 2170 so it looks like a piece of modern/retro tube gear. Ha! It may make my 2170 sound more like tubes due to the psychological impact on my senses.


I was looking closer at your rig. I really like it  Scott. Very nice indeed.  I love your tube light piece of rack art! Spectacular idea! So cool.  

I see Belden ICs in your pics? You state using Duelund ICs which is what I highly recommend. They offer more life and realness to the music. Use the 16 gauge wire with Cardas connectors for the best combo I have heard or made. 

Update on the mats.  Seems you can mix them up for slightly different sonic results. Not night and day, but rather subtle. I now have some with mag side up and some stacks with mag side facing the component. No doubt they do something nice.  My rig sounds better than ever right now. Folks can just experiment with placement direction.  

I have no educated and completely understood reason for why these stacks work.  I really could not explain to another aphile how these help sonics. Skeptics would have a hay-day on this craziness. It makes me laugh out loud. 


Thanks David. Will do.


Scott, I'm enjoying reading your journey with the mats. Keep the updates coming!


Tonight, I spent a couple of hours listening to a wide variety of music. I must say my system has never sounded so real yet dynamic. Its "right there" type of sound. Not a hint of brightness or excessive treble with a rich midrange and tight bass. However, I respect Grannyring's opinion to the "enth degree" so I took the magnetic sheets off and quickly alternated the sheets within the stack so they went from facing the component to opposing the component back and forth. In other words, they did not all face the same direction but alternated. I did not touch the sheets in the breaker box which are all facing away from the breakers. Against my own inclinations, I immediately listened again and all I can say is "wow"! However, I'm going to let this configuration sit until Sunday (its now Friday) and listen again....


Bill - after reading your post, I realized my magnetic sheets are attached to the inside of my breaker box door so they are actually facing away from the breakers. The magnetic sheets are facing towards my components and speakers, however. I'm going to do some extended listening tonight and may move some things around based on what I hear. Thanks for the feedback. Scott


Here is what I think so far of this magnetic sheet layering with graphene oxide between the sheet layers. It does indeed have an impact on the sound of my system.  I have them on my breaker panel door and on all pieces of gear and conditioners.  Nothing under or on my speakers.  

With the magnetic side facing the gear and breaker box the music is more detailed and louder. However,  there is a strange nervousness to the increased detail that I tire of after listening for awhile. When placing the magnetic side away from gear and the breaker box the sound is more full bodied and natural to my ears. More musically engaging really. 

Still trying to determine the overall changes with the mats facing away vs no mats at all. Well, this is what I am finding with my gear. The breaker box and integrated amp are the two areas that seem to have the most impact thus far. 


I've placed them with the magnetic side facing the component. I've tried within the stacks to keep them all facing the same direction as well.


Quick question. Have you placed the mat’s magnetic side facing the component or with the magnetic side facing away?


I've now removed Bybee iQSEs I had in my music server and on my amp. I also removed DIY Shakti stones that I had through-out my system and on my speakers. I can't help but think they may have been disturbing the consistency of the magnetic field.  I added treated magnetic sheets to the top and bottom of my speakers as well as added additional sheets to my music server and amp.  I couldn't wait so I went ahead and listened for about 15 minutes. The sound seemed a little "weird" (how is that for an approved audiophile term?). I'm going to let it sit for a few days.


Very thorough Bill. Not surprised. Looking forward to your comments.


I added the graphene oxide between the layers.  I used a 3 inch foam roller to apply the graphene oxide.  I applied it very heavy.  My magnetic sheets are 8x10 with adhesive on one side. The adhesive made it easy to to stack the sheets with graphine oxide in between every layer. I put a thick coating that would sometimes ooze out when I place one sheet over the next.  I simply wiped off any excess with paper towels. I wore rubber gloves just to be safe.  

I will leave in place and report back.  


Sounds good Bill.  I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately so my mats were able to sit without me taking a listen for a few days.  I’m guessing they went through some ups and downs in the beginning which I didn’t have to put up with.  But not really sure.


I have 5 - 60 mill mats on my breaker box.  5-20 mill on my Lyngdorf 2170 and 3-20 mill on each on my power conditioners.  I have not applied the Graphene yet, but I have it.  I have 10 more 20 mil sheets coming for my speakers.  To early (no chance to really listen yet) to tell of the impact. Things thus far seem very dynamic and more forcefull.  We will see.


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